SEMA 2012 – Cool Rides #3 – No Paint Custom Caddy
1968 Cadillac Coupe de Ville at SEMA 2012
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Ever heard the saying, “A postman doesn’t go for a walk on his day off”?
Well, the owner of this 1968 Cadillac Coupe de Ville, Tim Johnson, is a painter by trade. Tim’s Caddy is a three year build. The long road to SEMA started in early 2010 when his soon-to-be wife Jacquelyn (he wisely married her 2 year ago) picked it up for him as a gift. He’s been driving it for the last couple years, dodging (unsuccessfully) rain, puddles, sprinklers and every other kind of moisture due to the bare metal finish. With so many thumbs up for the swirly finish, and cause the Caddy was in such good shape to start with… Finally, just two weeks before SEMA, Tim decided to clean it up one last time to leave it metal with clear. I’m glad he did.
Don’t mistake this for any “Rat Rod”… The interior’s finished and tight, stitched up by his buddy Eric Hunsaker over at Advanced Mobile Electronics in Las Vegas. Then, to finish the exterior, the front and rear bumpers and trim are powder coated and she rides on air installed by Tim and his buddies. Barely visible in the back, but looking gangster in the front are Rocket Racing “Rocket Strike” Wheels and Coker white walls. Keeping the inside ALSO waterproof, Steele Rubber supplied the soft parts.
I caught up with Tim, since we’re old buddies on Facebook, and he answered, why a Cadillac?
Cadillacs have always sat at the pinnacle of the American Auto Manufacturers as the car to have. They were big, elegant, and were the fore most leader in comfort, style, and advancement. I can’t just stop at one Cadillac. A 1949 Cadillac Sedanette sits at the top of my list as the Cadillac to own. However, I always loved the vertical stacked headlights on the 1968 Cadillac.
Tim’s got plans to tidy up the engine bay and finish off the trunk, but nothing that’s about it since… this is his daily driver. It’s the coolest Tim!
Tim’s 1968 Cadillac came from some pretty modest beginnings. Tim says she was an, “Ugly Betty”. Tim sent over these pics…
That’s not to say that she hasn’t looked good in the past… One weeks after purchase, Tim painted his Cad suede black with scallops and went with Supreme’s on pinner whites, this is great looking mild custom Cadillac. But… I don’t think the suede black would have landed him at the SEMA Show… do you? Five months later, it was back to metal.
Tim wanted to thank Eric again for the interior, but also for stitching around all his buddies in the week-before-SEMA thrash that took place at his shop. He also better thank Jacquelyn (and let us know if she’s got sisters) for believing in him and this crazy hobby we all love.
We’ll be looking for your Sedanette Tim!

Thank you guys so much for taking the time to feature my car! I am honored and appreciative. This car was a dream of mine (but in that dream was paint, hahaha), but it became its own monster and I couldn’t be happier with the results.
Thank you all so much that helped make this car a reality. A special thanks to my wife, Jacquelyn, for proving to me over and over again that dreams can become reality.
I had a blast in the final hours helping Tim get this car to SEMA, he is a good guy, and I feel as though I gained a great friend out of this. No one deserves it more than Tim.
I’m glad I have had the opportunity to help Tim on one of his goals . It is always amazing to to see the face of someone when something has been achieved , and Tim is no different . Congrats buddy !
Hey Tim… That’s one very cool CDV… I’m working on my own 68 CDV project and had a really quick question for you… That steering wheel? What car did that come from? Earlier model caddy? Is the column stock? I’ve been wracking my brain trying to find a solution to my stock wheel and bam…there’s your car with the unknown solution… Take care Tim and many thanks in advance.
The wheel is a 63 deville wheel. It took some modification to fit. we have to space the horn button up as it was arguing with the column surround. You should be able to use nearly any 60’s gm wheel, just may have to make adjustments for tolerances. I had a 66 wheel in there before and had to shave te back of the spokes for clearance on the indicator arm. As for the column, it is bone stock.
Good luck, I look forward to seeing your car!
Thanks for the great info Tim… I’m on it.. Shoot me a message sometime and I’ll send you some pics down the road…. I think you’ll get a kick out of mine too… Thanks again and take care.
great work on your coverage,I was able to go several years ago but haven’t got back there since
I’ll be able to through your efforts
thanks bruce
Car looks great! What is a safe grit to use on bare metal prior to clear? I am considering doing a 2k clear on bare metal for furniture.