Speed Seeking Studebakers #5 The Rest of the Pack

Bonneville Salt Flat Racing Vintage Studebakers

1953 Studebaker Coupe on the Salt Flats, land speed racing, 1953 Studebaker coupe, Bonneville, salt flats

Speed Week 2011 is quickly approaching! And you know what that means…Salt Fever! It’s reminded me that I still have many Speed Seeking Studebakers to add to the series I started after last year’s Speed Week. In fact, there’s 11 more racing Studebakers I have to bring ya. Rounding out a total of 14 Studebaker racers on the Salt Flats I caught last year (and I’m sure I missed a few!)

If you missed #1-4, begin here – All Speed Seeking Studebakers.

Studebaker Coupe 394, land speed racing, 1953 Studebaker coupe, Bonneville, salt flats

To start with is this wicked 1953 Studebaker Coupe owned by Bob Drury and Old Stud Racing running in the A/cF ALT category with top speeds of 225 mph.

Bonneville Salt Flats Starting Line, land speed racing, land speed record, speed week 2010

Also a ’53 is this more highly modified body, #974. With an extreme chop and a hood scoop to match the roof height it’s an extreme looking Studebaker salt flats racer!

land speed racing, 1953 Studebaker coupe, Bonneville, salt flats

In 2008 this Stude set the class record at 249.945 mph.

Studebaker Coupe 749, land speed racing, 1953 Studebaker coupe, Bonneville, salt flats

Another highly modified and chopped coupe is this #749.

studebaker avanti, salt flats racer, bonneville salt flats

They’re not ALL ’53 Coupes. There’s always a good showing of Avanti’s also..of course! Speaking of Avanti’s, keep an eye out for a story about “The Bucket List” Avanti. Very cool because it races with a fully-Studebaker power house!

Studebaker Coupe 352, land speed racing, 1953 Studebaker coupe, Bonneville, salt flats

Look at the salt this Speedy Stude # 352 is kicking up! Built by the San Diego Roadster Club this yellow wonder runs in the B/F CC class.

Studebaker Coupe 9304, land speed racing, 1953 Studebaker coupe, Bonneville, salt flats

This Hemi-powered Coupe comes all the way from Canada. It’s not the only Coupe coming from the great white north, check out Gord’s Blue Beauty featured in Speed Seeking Studebakers #4.

Studebaker Coupe 1138, land speed racing, 1953 Studebaker coupe, Bonneville, salt flats

Looking closely, the sticker on the lower right hand side of this window is not seen very often at Speed Week. It’s noting a 200 mph Speed Limit for this Silver Studebaker Coupe #1138. I believe the reason for this was recent modifications they were testing out.

salt flats, bonneville, 1941 Studebaker coupe racer, land speed racing

This sight isn’t seen too often either. It’s not a ’53 Coupe or an Avanti. This racer is a 1941 2-door!

Studebaker Coupe 787, land speed racing, 1953 Studebaker coupe, Bonneville, salt flats

Yet another record holding Stude getting ready to leave the line. It’s record stands just over 240 mph. Not to tempt you…but this beauty is for sale!

Studebaker Coupe 7431, land speed racing, 1953 Studebaker coupe, Bonneville, salt flats

Not to be missed, is another record holder, Studebaker Coupe #7431. Running in the E/C BG ALT category it’s top speed broke the record in 2008 at 219.909 mph.

1953 Studebaker Coupe, SCTA window stickers, Bonneville National, Speed Week, BNI, Participant sticker

As you can see, the Studebaker’s are not only relics of the past. They are alive and well…beautiful and fast as ever.

Salt Flat Studebaker Coupes, multiple studebakers, vintage cars

I’ll be at Bonneville again in just a couple of weeks for Speed Week 2011. How many Studebaker’s will I see this year?

To see more in the Speed Seeking Studebaker series, check out some spectator’s Stude’s in Speed Seeking Studebaker’s #3 or record holders in Speed Seeking Studebakers #1 or #2.  Blue Beauty’s owner, Gord, is a member here at MyRideisMe.com. Here’s his Studebaker garage. Then there’s always my own, GreaseGirl’s Studebaker Garage.

Happy Trails until I’m back from Speed Week!