Custom Studebaker Hauls More Than a Kart
Custom Studebaker Ute at GNRS
It isn’t every day you see a custom Studebaker coupe. Really, I think what people say to themselves before changing any metal of the Studebaker coupe body is…”The coupe is a perfect car – why change it?” I certainly don’t have plans of truly customizing my own ’55 Studebaker. Metal flaking the roof, moon discs, and some pinstriping is as far as it’ll go I think. But I do love customs – so every time I encounter a custom Studebaker coupe I get pretty excited!
This year at Grand National Roadster Show I encountered not just one – but three custom Studebakers! I’ll be unveiling each one (and hopefully one or two more) in the coming weeks. To start with… the Studebaker Ute, a.k.a. Kart Hauler.
I first encountered this custom Studebaker Ute at the 2009 Grand National Roadster Show – and now once again at GNRS 2011. In 2009 it was in the hall of cars previously shown at GNRS, commemorating the show’s 60th anniversary. This 1953 Studebaker coupe was customized in the late fifties into this wagon-style Ute for the 1959 Oakland Roadster Show. It was then renovated to its original glory by then-owner Dick Steinkemp in time for the 2009 GNRS.
Who would’ve imagined that the Studebaker Coupe would so nicely turn into an ute?! As you can see, it’s the front frame of the coupe with the rear-section of the top chopped-off and the rear window moved forward. This creates a 2-seater. Interestingly enough, its rear window is the original rear window flipped upside-down and angled differently.
The entire car, including the original go-kart that went along with it, have been finished and renovated with such skill. The car really is beautiful sporting an original Studebaker color – 1953 Chippewa Green.
One thing I think is so neat about this custom, is that it actually looks so good and “normal” that it appears as if it could’ve come out of the Studebaker factory just like this!
And as it still runs a Studebaker engine! This custom Studebaker very well could have come from the factory! If I ever have the urge to customize my Stude – I know who I’ll be taking some notes from!
What do you think -how many customized Studebakers have you seen? What other car-oddities would you envision for customizing?

That’s right up my alley! Always wanted to do that with an AMC car…. Nice
And wow…one go cart motor for each wheel! Yikes
Check out our custom ’53 Commander Starlight that was customized in the late 50’s by my wife’s dad and uncle. Parts from 17 cars were used. Recent restoration is 99% finished. Still has original 232 V-8 engine and 3-speed OD transmission with less than 19K miles.