Winter Wonderland – Snow Covered Rides in Montana
Old Cars Take On New Life In The Winter Snow
Snow, cold, and winter weather lock up many a classic car in the safety of a garage. Here in So Cal, we’re lucky that our old cars get to hit the roads 365 days a year!
During a recent trip up to Montana – since there were no old cars on the road – I grabbed my camera and went wondering to find some old beasts out in the snow. Although my inner “mom” wanted to tow these all to safety and restoration – I think the setting made for some cool pictures.
So if you live in a snowy area – enjoy these and stand by until warmer weather. But if you live in a place like lovely Southern California – count your blessings and take your car for a cruise! May this New Year find you all in good and joyful adventures!
Happy Trails,
Grease Girl
All that poor rust, but this 1953 Chevy’s hood ornament is still in good shape!
John Deere standing proud with tin can covering the exhaust and all.
An old Ford logo from a tractor’s side – ya can’t create that sort of patina!
The snow covered Ford 800 tractor hasn’t seen much work lately.
Ya don’t see air cleaners with this sort of debris in So Cal -this old mason jar air cleaner has stacks of wasps & bees inside…eek!
Ingenuity at work – I love it! What do you do when you lose your door window pull? Carve one out of wood of course! Missing a washer? Carve IT out of wood too!
A beautiful beast. Ford 800 Tractor logo.
Could there be a prettier picture? Classic Old Chevy Pickup sitting pretty in the snow.
Now thats a gear box! Imagine the fun driving this John Deere tractor.
Ford tractor pedals.
1953 Mercury Monterey emblem.
If ya like these pictures – check out MyRideisMe’s picture gallery!