Location: Arroyo Grande, CA, USA
Joined: 05/03/2010
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Restorer, Muscle Cars, Classics, Race only
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I am in the process of recreating my very first car. In 1966 I puchased a 1959 Studebaker Silver Hawk for $150 from a neighbor. It had experienced a wiring fire but was very salvagable. I was 14 at the time and over the next two years I took the whole car apart and put it back together again. When I turned 16 it became my first car. Tragically I only got to enjoy my hard work for less than a year. I really enjoyed but sadly some kids thought it would be funny to remove some caution signs from a street project the Gas company was working on. Since it was nighttime I wasn't able to see the six foot deep hole until it was too late. The car hit the hole so ahrd it ripped the front suspension off of the frame. My teeth and maybe my life were spared because I had set the car up for drag racing and had installed seat belts. I was bruised but not broken but the Hawk was too far gone to save. The engine went on to win it's class at Lions and Irwindale but you never forget your first love. 

March 3, 2015
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May 9, 2015 11:25
Can't wait to see this running. Always wanted a Stude but Ohio winters didn't leave many survivors.