Location: | Bothell, WA, USA |
Joined: | 04/16/2010 |
My Styles
Build-It, Drive-It
views: 22872
(2575 Views)April 16, 2010
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May 10, 2010 02:00
Sorry not to have responded sooner. I love your ride. My first "adult" rod was a '34 Chev Standard 2 door sedan all original. Sold it to a good friend who had it rodded in about 90 days. Still has it today and we cruise together quite a bit. Wish I could attach a pic for you.
Keep up the good work. It's worth it. Mike
Keep up the good work. It's worth it. Mike
April 22, 2010 13:02
like the hot rod
April 21, 2010 04:49
Thanks for the question. Our ride is a '39. I also am looking at wide whites, maybe on artillery wheels, but haven't found quite what i want yet!
April 20, 2010 11:16
Thanks, glad you like the car. I like the toy have a friend that is looking to buy one not sure the year.
April 17, 2010 06:01
Cool Cheby! Keep us updated on the progress. I like the new wheels, too!
April 17, 2010 00:41
Hey Miss3four! Thanks for signing up! Have you met GreaseGirl? click here I bet you guys would get along!
April 16, 2010 22:54
Cool rod! Welcome to teh site!
I'd love to get ya pics of the headliner. There's a whole slideshow of the process over at www.GreaseGirl.com under the "learning" tab. If ya wanna talk over any questions, shoot me a line at greasegirl@myrideisme.com :)