Location: Bothell, WA, USA
Joined: 04/16/2010
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April 17, 2010
Ride Specs & Info


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April 24, 2010 12:00
VERY SAD NEWS: TANKgRL went to the ER Thursday morning. She's in critical care over at Gerber Auto Body in Lynnwood after an almost fatal inconvience Wednesday evening around 1730 hours.. Today, April 23 Dr John advised me he is doing everything he can to save her and will give me updated news on Monday. TANKgRL was rear ended at a dead stop by a Toyota Matrix going approx. 40 mph. We are sorry to report the Matrix died at the sceen although the driver was fine.
We will keep you posted on TANKgRL as news becomes available.
Thank you for your support.
April 18, 2010 11:42
haha cool...love the name....=]