Location: Orinda, CA, USA
Joined: 12/18/2010
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December 18, 2010
Ride Specs & Info


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December 21, 2010 05:49
Right now the Camaro is sitting in the garage in pieces. LOL Hubby has been ordering parts and putting it back together for about a month now. I am not involved in that part. :)

I am a filmmaker and I am starting the process of creating my own film called MOMS GOT MUSCLE. I love muscle cars and I wrote a screenplay about it and I am figuring out how to make it happen. Hopefully, by the time the Camaro is done, I will be able to use it in the film. :)
December 20, 2010 09:23
Nice....how do you feel about the availability of new parts for that? I mean, it is exciting to know you could build one from scratch out of a catalog but then would it be a real 68? Hmm