Location: Canton., GA, USA
Joined: 06/06/2010
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June 6, 2010
Ride Specs & Info


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June 7, 2010 12:17
Thanks very much guys. I was really sure how an old 2stroker was gonna come off here. I accually found this site because Ted Thomas a local guy I worked for in the past won the Riddler this year at cobo. I was doing a serch, and this was the only site that mentioned his shop as doing the car. That was out of about 20 hits on the first page that came up. sure everything about the lady that owned the car, but this site the only one that mention the shop that created the prize. I will build just about anything, with in reason. I doubt I would do a hotdog car but maybe if i needed the money bad enough right.
? Next up on the list, I have a guy that thinks the Bradley kit cars are cool. You know the ones on VW chasis. ok not in my shop. I have convinced him, to let me "fix' a little. Im gonna do a complete light weight tube chassis, to roll the glass ody back over. Im doing some layout work right now to make a triangle ated swing arm in the back. do a solid axcel set up and power it with a Hyabussa motor. The motor, the live axcel and all will be in the arm and ride with the suspention. If I keep the weight down under 1500 it should be a fun little toy to buzz around in. twice the power of a good VW and another 800lbs off the Bradley. I'll post some progress pics soon as i get started. a few days at least. Thanx again guys.
June 7, 2010 11:44
Cool. I dig the Cafe Racers! My cousin has a Honda CB-1 that he's building like an old racer. Welcome to the site!
June 7, 2010 10:21
I like the look!