Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Joined: 09/02/2007
My Styles
Hot Rodder, Old-School, Street Rodder, Build-It, Drive-It, Show Cars, Off-Road, American Iron, Custom, Old School, Off-Road/Dirt
views: 143761
My Crew 93
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September 24, 2007
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December 15, 2009 17:32
I guess I could make pages for a ot more of my own cars.. I honestly just was not sure if that was a good thing or not... what about photos in general? Like I have on DA, is that sort of thing allowed?
December 14, 2009 04:38
Thanks for telling me about the site Paul, and for giving me all the links to it, I like it so far, I hope it likes me too! :p
December 2, 2009 07:33
Thanks for stopping by and wishing me luck .. I'm going to need it : )
October 26, 2009 21:23
Good to meet you at FIREBIRD. Hope to see you again when THE NITRO GARAGE gets to PHOENOIX. NEWT
July 14, 2009 05:51
havent seen it yet, just heard rumors. I dont get out much when its hot. I stay in the garage. Trying to get 2 cars done at the same time is killing me.
June 8, 2009 22:25
Great to meet you Sat. night at the Pavilion.
Appreciate all your great pics. Keep up the good work.
June 4, 2009 12:58
Thanks for introducing me to the site and to you. It was alot of fun. See you around soon.
June 3, 2009 09:25
Hey Swannee, thanks for adding me to your crew. You always make my ride look great.
I love whay you did with Denis's Vet.
See you soon. Mikesrod
May 29, 2009 08:00
Hey Thanks and great pics im sure i'll be seen you in Mesa too let me know if there is any car show in the future
May 12, 2009 05:57
Hey Swanee, saw the picture of Pinky you posted. Cool shot. You have a talent for making my clunkers look cool!
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