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Dash gauge update

April 20, 2011
As usual there is almost always a change in plans. While I was cleaning up the factory instrument section I found that after dissassembly for cleaning that the gauge inserts for the temp and fuel level just so happen to be to be the same size as my new 2 inch gauges. Nifty! The gauge panel is actually quite simple with a pair of indicator [idiot] lights for GEN and OIL flanked by the FUEL gauge on the right and the WATER TEMP gauge on the left. A glass insert covers the face of the inserts. The new plan is to simply use the indicator lights as origonally purposed and to embed the gauge mechs from my SunPro fuel and temp gauges into the panel. Both units appear to be a dead match into the small horizontal display windows. I will probably remove the factory SunPro outer bezels and glass to use just the base mech units. Not seeing any glaring problems with this install. We will see. I can even reuse the factory oil and gen lamp inserts only convert them to LED. I may just mount the Volt and Oil gauges in the glovebox. Don't really need them unless we have an issue.


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