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New Horns

May 4, 2013
New Horns


From my Shop Manual

     I had installed a new wire harness three years ago and got nearly every thing working except the horns.    There could be a few reasons; the most obvious was the wire from the horn button to the relay.   I have standard (manual) steering with a Ross steering box. (which leaks, by the way).  The horn wire travels inside along the steering column and out under the box inside the engine compartment then is loose to the horn relay.  The original wire had been frayed beyond repair because of this ingenious design and needed replacement anyway. So I pulled the steering wheel, checked the switch and connections at the horn button and ran a new wire to the relay.    The relay was clicking away and after testing the ground it seemed that the horns just wouldn't work anymore.  I can't open them up like the older models so I have to get new horns.


I checked NAPA, no luck, I found a few similar used horns but didn't want to take the chance on non working parts and new Remy-Delcos were too pricey, so I finally went to e-bay to try my luck with some after market new stock.  I decided on a pair of new Seger horns made by a company in Turkey for the French and German market.  Unfortunately, even the Turks can't resist the lure of cheep Chinese labor.  After free shipping from Korea via Pennsylvania, fees by e-bay and Paypal, a sell of $13.00 at hopefully at least 70% margin, they may have made $5.00 a pair.


I have to say, the horns work great, I had to customize a bracket for them as the "universal" bracket they came with was too short and the originals I had were rust fused to the old horns. I used some leftover window metal from my last house project and they were an easy install, although my car sounds more like a Peugeot than an American car from the 50s.  My son was horrified that I would put non-original parts on the car. I told him it was OK to use non-original parts if they are for safety reasons, like seat belts...  He didn't really buy it, and I kept thinking about those guys that put semi horns on antiques, and what would make them want to do that. Oh well, I just want to get it on the road legally, I have to be careful now, because, I'm so close, I could cut some corners and regret it later, it's a quandary I'll have to live with.

Old horns and brackets

New horns installed


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