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New Door Windows

May 27, 2013
New Door Windows

Jim helping me put the door windows in.  He was a great help holding the flash light inside the door


There seems to be a little flu bug going around these days.  I've managed to avoid it so far, but my son has it now.  I'm hoping lots of vitamin C and hand washing will keep it at bay so I can reach my target finish date of July 27th.


 I picked up my readjusted vent window from John at Maltby Glass on Wednesday as promised, and price on target.  He will be putting in my front and back windshields in the next few weeks.  In the mean time I can now install my door windows.


I had the glass cut for the doors years ago.  I sent in the old window frames and they sent back new windows installed and cut vent windows. The vent windows were loose as the chrome frames were in such bad shape I thought I would have to replace them, but my neighbor Steve, who wrenches on a 1936 Dodge told me about Specialty Platting up by Mt. Vernon.  They did magic on my parts as well as turned them around in less than 2 weeks.


New clips for cat whiskers

After installing new "U" channels, cat whiskers and clips, I tried to drop the new window into the door and affix to the regulator.  After a long hour of finagling the window down into the door, bending the new cat whiskers and loosing a clip I finally got the window attached to the regulator  without breaking or cracking the new window.  I removed one of the whiskers on the other door to make it easier to drop the window in.








Glass doesn't seat over felt on the stainless frame completely

Unfortunately, both vent windows are approximately 1/4" off from meeting the vertical stainless window frame on the door windows and there is a small gap where both windows meet the top of the door at the vent window.  This shows up on both doors.  It may be the glass is not cut at the proper angle or I need a thicker gasket inside the vent window channel to push it out to meet the door windows.  Since the car is going in to Maltby Auto glass shop to have the windshields installed, I'll have them look at it for me if I can't adjust it by then. *






 *I've been soaking the regulators in "TriFlow" lubricant and I could just wait for it to penetrate more and get more give out of the unit to adjust better.



*   *   *   *   *



BTW: We did manage to get to the Duvall Auto Swap Meet last Sunday.  I brought my son and his little friend Layla with me.  I gave them some food money and a little extra cash to get a car part they might like for a "rugrat - rod".  They spent it all on hot wheels.  After we ate at the one last food concession open, I took them to meet some of the folks at Rat Bastards Car club. I bought a "T" shirt for my daughter and picked up a 3/18" brake line flair bit I was missing from my kit.


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