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Big Rock Classic Car Show Duvall WA 2013

June 3, 2013
Big Rock Classic Car Show Duvall WA 2013

Beautiful Day at the Big Rock Classic Car Show


1957 VW Bug.  I had a 69 in 83.  These were really popular for customizing in the 70s and 80s in SoCal, although, Jim and I like this stock.


It was a beautiful day for the 7th Annual Big Rock Classic Car Show in Duvall Washington.  This little city is just east of my town. I got a tip on how to get there on the back roads to avoid road closures to this towns big parade and other events.  There were easily 200 + participants and equally 10x as many visitors.


 After some difficulty finding parking in the Safeway parking lot, my son Jim, my dog Riley and I took about an hour going up and down the isles of cars.  I have a trick with my dog to keep him from running around uncontrollably and possibly scratching a twenty thousand dollar paint job. I carry a bag of treats by my side, and he glues his nose to my hip while I walk. Sometime I get comments on what a well trained dog I have. Yesterday, someone complained I was too stingy by dragging him along like that:  all in fun though.  He is purely food motivated, and has not compunction for steeling a well olive oiled chicken off my kitchen counter.  I use this to my advantage, sometimes he gets the chicken, sometimes I get the appearance of a well trained Lab at a car show.


My son Jim on the other hand, plows through the show searching out his favorites. Once found though, that's it, time for a snack, then go home.  This year it was a Red, 1948 Willys Flat bed.


48 Willys Flat Bed.  Jim's pick this year, though, he didn't like the "death" stickers inside the hood.


Next to it was a clean Ford MA hot rod.  I tried getting good photos this year, but few owners were around to close their hoods for me, as well, I later found out I had a smudge on my lens which gave some unintended glare.  I had to work it out in photoshop, but Jim thought it made the cars look like they were running.


Ford Hot Rod.  This car spoke to me to take its picture. See the rainbow glair on the wheels.


I saw a Studebaker I recognized from a previous show, a metallic brown 1955 starlight coup, and a 1968 Chevy Camaro that belonged to John at Maltby auto glass; the guy doing my windshields.  I saw his car for the first time when I went to pick up my vent windows.  He told me it had belonged to a good friend from high school who had passed away and left the car to him.  He's been restoring it for 6 years and this show was it's maiden voyage.  I looked up the word Camaro on wordiq.com, it comes from the French and means "friend" or "companion"





 Congratulations John, this is a special car, and my personal favorite at the show, party on.



1968 Chevy Camaro 





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