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Two shows in one day.

September 2, 2013
Two shows in one day.

Vintage Aircraft Weekend

at Paine Field, Everett WA


Hillside view of a J mode B-25 named "Grumpy" and its Mustang escort.


    I slept in this morning and didn't think that I'd get to the two shows I had planned for this Saturday. However, Paine Field is only 15 minutes away, so, I figured, if my son and I leave at noon we could see some of the air show then head out by 3:00 to get to Issaquah for the Fenders and Fins Annual Car Show I was invited to attend this year by 4:00.  That doesn't give me much time to work over my car before I take it to it's first car show, but, since it's still far from finished, I would just concentrate on getting it there without a break down.





    My son and I decided to take our Smart Car to the air show as it is so close to our home.  The universe had obviously realized I needed extra sleep this morning, because as soon as we got in a long line to park, an attendant pulled us and our Smart out of line and escorted us to a complimentary tent that was set up for vendors but was empty.  He said, "if you can fit it there, you can park inside".







1946 Studebaker, I couldn't resist the HDRI, sorry Tom : P

   We got into the show and had to pass through the vintage cars before we could see the planes.  Of course, we usually go to these shows to see the cars anyway.  This time however, it was hard to choose between looking at the planes or the cars.  I did see my neighbor Steve with his 36 Dodge and I recognized a couple of Studebakers that live in the area, above pic.




   Jim is always attracted to the Ford Model era cars.  I have always loved the Avanti. 







   We checked in with a friend of mine who was on the "flight line" assisting the antique aircraft before the show, then we went to look at the planes.  There was a pilot attending a 1937 Waco AQC-6 biplane who invited Jim to sit in the plane and take a look.  This plane was visiting from the Canadian Museum of Flight just across the border about 100 miles from us.  He was explaining how the stanchions worked between the wing pairs, depending on which law of physics the plane was dealing with, lift or gravity.  It was a good lesson for us, something I would have never thought to look at.  We took note of how other biplanes on display had configured their wings.



1936 Waco AQC-6


2013 Fenders and Fins, Inc. Annual Car Show

at XXX Root Beer Drive in, Issaquah, WA.

   Now that my Studebaker has windshields, I can legally drive it on the road, although, my windshield wiper motor is not functioning so I won't go out in the rain yet. But, one old car dirty little secret is there are more non-working windshield wiper motors out there because no one takes their old restored cars out in the rain anyway.  Jim and I left the house at about 3:30pm. I took as much water, oil, and brake fluid as I had left, I had a jack and spare, but I forgot a fire extinguisher, just in case.  We took HWY 202 around Lake Samamish to avoid the freeway. I felt like I was driving by instruments only, I had one eye on water temp and oil pressure the whole way there. We got there about 4:45 and was car #85. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest Silver Hawk, albeit, only Silver Hawk there?  I checked in with John, our sponsor,  to find out where the other Studebakers were. He had to confess that his show just isn't good enough for our crowd. I had to admit to him that I barely got out of bed this morning to attend anyway.




I had a sweet parking spot but had to put a towel on the roof and trunk to avoid falling pine cones, a NW natural hazard.




I chose this 1958 DeSoto Fireflite as Peoples Choice. Those fins are awesome. 


I have a chain under my hood to assist with keeping it down.



This was a show stopper, someone had "Rat Rodded" a Diesel. 

XXX Root Beer Drive In. 





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