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Morris Street - India's First Street rod By Hradyesh

April 19, 2011

30 June 2011 

World class Street Rods, are finally here, thanks to entrepreneur-pioneer Hradyesh. He launched India’s first custom-built street Rod, “Morris Street”, in New Delhi - India this afternoon 

Unveiling his creation, the trend-setting entrepreneur said: “For the first time ever, you can drive a car that reflects your personality, attitude and identity. A Street Rod commands jaw-dropping awe and respect from everyone on or off the road—as much for its inviting curves and finish as for the awesome power it packs beneath the hood.”

Passionate automobile enthusiast, Hradyesh, 29, is set to trailblaze through the Indian specialty super-luxury car world as the pioneering mastermind who brought the globally cherished Street Rods to India. According to Hradyesh, the launch of Morris Street underscores his motto: “Dream first to realise your dream.”

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