Location: Anaheim, CA, USA
Joined: 02/17/2010
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My first ride story

February 23, 2010
When I turned 16 I wish my dad taught me how to drive. I kept asking him to teach me but he consistently said "you're still young and besides you occasionally drink so it ain't good for you". I said to myself "I'll have my own soon and I won't let my dad ever touch it". I have this passion to have a cool ride like others do. I've always taught that having a cool ride means you're a cool guy. I decided to worked at Mcdonalds to earn extra cash. Months to almost a year put up enough cash so bought a used honda hutchback. It felt good, boose up my confidence and felt like I'm finally one of the coolest guys. Months after months, my driving skills got sharp and the more days past the more speed I drive. One night going home from drinking,  carelessly driving out of the neighborhood stepped on 80mph after the blink of my a little kitten crossed the street. It was too late when i stepped on my brakes I felt the bounce of my tires. There I knew it, I felt nervous and my heartbeat start pumping so fast. I didn't even care to see what happen to the kitten i drove straight home. I was scared, I slowly look at my tires full of blood from the accident. I never past the street for couple of weeks coz of that i realize that driving has a lot of responsibilities. What if that was an old lady? a kid? I may not clear my conscience for the rest of my life. Do I want to end up behind bars? those who thought driving is cool it isn't all about that. It's about responsibility and safety from the time you start your engines.


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