Location: Breslau, Canada
Joined: 01/01/2008
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May 13, 2009

A fellow called today and said he had seen our lower axle bracket video on YouTube and that he would like to order a pair.  I was pleased - that’s exactly what those videos are intended to do… educate the customer so they feel confident buying our parts.

To be honest, I was a little skeptical of YouTube at first, in terms of driving sales.  We started posting videos in about June of 2007, mostly to show people how easily our Mustang II kit goes together (it “practically assembles itself“) and highlighting the benefits of making your own hot rod parts.  In our instructions, we would include a link to a video on YouTube where they could see what they just bought being assembled.  It was a free place to host videos!  Soon after, we started getting comments that people had seen our videos and would like to order “that part”.

Currently, we have 46 videos hosted on YouTube.  They consist of installation videos, tech tips, how-tos, and even a few Model A frame build videos.  Almost 200 people have subscribed to be notified when a new video is posted.  In total, the Welder Series videos have been watched almost 156 000 times from the USA to Spain to Slovakia.

As we continue to release new products, new videos will always run parallel.

It’s exciting to think that right now, someone might be watching a Welder Series video somewhere around the world!

Click here to see our YouTube channel.

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