Location: Breslau, Canada
Joined: 01/01/2008
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A Little Horton Hot Rod History

May 13, 2009

I came across these scans tonight and thought it would be fun to post them, just for you to see some of what the family’s been up to for the past 30+ years.

History 01
One of “the twins”, a pair of trick hiboy roadsters built in the 80’s by Paul Horton and Lloyd Stewart. This ‘32 is still seen at Louisville.

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Paul & Dorothy Horton with me in the ‘29 in the mid 80’s.

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The same ‘29 on hand formed 2×4 rails matching the contour of the body. This car had an unfortunate end in a cemetery after being T-boned during a poker run. You can call it luck if you must, but for some reason my brother and I (who ALWAYS rode in the rumble seat) asked to ride in a ‘46 sedan with friends. After the accident, the battery (strapped down in the floor of the rumble seat) was found way down the road. I don’t call it luck.

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A ‘23 T Bucket that kind of started the whole parts business. This car was built in a Montreal garage by Paul and Dorothy Horton. There are tonnes of trick parts on this car!

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The current (well, it hasn’t been on the road in three years) ‘40 Sedan is the car I remember traveling to events in as a kid. With over 90 000 miles, we made quite a few!

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The 1935 Chev built between the cherry tree and the apple tree in Paul Horton’s parents back yard.

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My brother and I before we were made redundant by pin-ups. I’m the cute blond making the bird face.A Li


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