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Dear Welder Series: LS1 Motor Mount Info, ‘80 F100 MII

May 13, 2009

Dear Welder Series…

Can you tell me if the part number LS103 will work to adapt a LS1 engine to fit the standard motor mounts for a 1972 Chevelle?


John, LS150 is the kit to use for your Chevelle.  Use Energy Suspension #3.1114 insulators.  These insulators have a reinforcing rib on the engine side.  The slot in the adapter plate is clearance for this rib.  Notice that the top of the slot in the LS104 adapter plate is higher than the slot in the LS150 plate.  The rib in the GM stock rubber insulator goes higher than the Energy Suspension (ES) rib.  The ES rib is shorter so the flat head Allen bolt can be used to hold the plate to the engine block.  The stock GM rubber insulators do not work with the LS150 (and LS166) kits.

LS103 is used in the LS104 kit.  This kit is for custom-built frames that don’t have any frame mounts installed.  Frame mounts #C005 can be used to complete the installation in, for example, a ‘32 Ford.

I hope this helps you get the right mounts for your car.

Paul Horton

Dear Welder Series…

Wondering if your welder mustang 11 kit can be made to fit in a 1980 f-100 pickup. Want to lower this truck but it appears nobody make a kit to do so. this is why I’m asking it seems my only hope would be put more of car type front end under it. thanks for any help

Thanks for asking about Welder Series parts, Joseph.  The widest MII crossmember we make is about 60″ track width.  This is the distance from the wheel mounting face of one rotor to the other.  Will this be wide enough for your project?

The coil spring mounts for the Twin I-Beam will have to come off.

How wide apart are your frame rails (inside & outside dimensions)?

Can you give me an idea of  the ride height dimensions from the ground to the bottom and to the top of the frame?

I’ll get back to you after I do some work with your reply.


Paul Horton


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