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Joined: 08/20/2013
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Do Your Center Caps Look Like This?

October 20, 2013
Do Your Center Caps Look Like This?

Have the those plastic wheel center caps broken?  Tired of driving around missing a cap? Shocked by how much chrome plastic center caps cost?  Follow ID Your Ride as we make a replacement set of center caps from solid billet aluminum and custom engrave them for a customer.


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October 23, 2013 10:10
I'm planning to document the entire process from creating a 3D CAD model and rendering to the machining and polishing process. I will definitely post a longer story. Thanks!
October 20, 2013 05:57
Hey guys, thanks for sharing. Do you have some info on how you do this for a longer story? If you've made some cool center cap replacements before, do you have some start, middle and end pictures?
thanks! -pikesan