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Joined: 03/13/2014
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Registering Rods in California

March 16, 2014

You all know when it comes to building "special construction" cars the pain in the rear part is registering and getting a VIN assigned. The 37 Ford cab I own doesn't have a VIN because it was on the frame of the truck. I can buy a frame with the VIN on it and modify it ect. But I have a bill of sale for the cab and want to build my own frame. Something I can look at and say, yeah I did that.

I'm hoping I will be able to get into the special 500 alotted slots here in California where I dont have to get my car smogged. Even then its still a pain in the rear because I'll have to take it to a BAR referee anyways if I get the SB100 slot, so that's why I'm trying to get a engine that's a '65 or older model year. Easier that way.

 Anyone who reads this maybe can give me some input or let me know what you think of the whole ordeal. I think this smog crap is good don't get me wrong, but somethings a little out of hand and we car nuts just want to build our own rods and have fun you know. Turning junk into something cool.


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March 17, 2014 11:37
I don't think you're the only one frustrated about getting a classic car or hot rod registered in California. I've heard about the 500 slots California gives out and I heard they're gone very very soon after they're available. There should be a bunch of advice out there... certainly something better than what I can give. You might want to reach out to Vintage Hot Rod Design and Fabrication (http://vhrcustoms.com/). They're in Chico, not far from you. I don't know them personally, but we've talked and they're Bonneville Salt Flats racers, so they're good people!
Good luck!