Location: | Northern Califbrornia, CA, USA |
Joined: | 09/02/2010 |
My Styles
Builder, Restorer, Old-School, Hot Rodder, Classics, H.A.M.B., Low Rider, Race only
views: 36730
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"The Shop" 0000 My Ride is Me
Introduction / Overview: CHUCKLES GARAGE is a full service fabrication shop. We specialize in traditional to hardcore hotrods, lowriders and motorcycles. All work is done in-house. Chuckles garage is located in Santa Rosa, California about an hour north of San Francisco. Scotty, Owner and Lead fabricator has over 15 years of custom car and fabrication experience, and has built cars for customers in the US and Europe. Contact us to get your dream ride started today! Chuckles Garage has the following equipment ready to build your dream ride: 300 Amp Eutectic TIG 210 Amp Hobart Mig 135 Amp Lincoln Mig Miller plasma Cutter Press Brake Roller English Wheel Shrinker/Stretcher Planishing Hammer Frame Table JD2 Model 32 Hydraulic Tubing Bender Bridgeport Mill Production Drill Press Tubing Notcher Etc...Etc...Etc...
Wheels and Tires:
Body & Paint:
Builder, Restorer, Old-School, Hot Rodder, Build-It, Drive-It, H.A.M.B., Low Rider, Race only