Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA
Joined: 03/04/2009
My Styles
Builder, Old-School, Hot Rodder, Build-It, Drive-It, H.A.M.B., AMBR / Ridler, Off-Road
views: 11445
My Crew 1
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"50 olds"     1950 Oldsmobile 88

Introduction / Overview: this is an old so cal hot rod, built around 54, I am searching for any more history I can find.

1954 Cadillac 331 solid Howards cam, adjustable rockers, 3 7/8 bore. Backed by a aluminum flywheel, and a 36 Lasalle trans.


I am in the process of rebuilding the motor and checking out the trans.


Stock chassis with cut springs. I am making dropped spindles, and rebuilding everything.


Wheels and Tires: Stock 50 Olds wheels, narrowed in the front and widened in the rear.
Body & Paint: Original was yellow with a black top, we are leaning towards all black with a shaved hood and deck. and some alterations to the trim.
Interioir: had black tuck and roll, working on ideas for the redo.
Lifestyles: Old-School, Hot Rodder