Location: Sandpoint, ID, USA
Joined: 04/03/2011
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"Harold the Hoopty Truck"     1980 Ford Courier

Introduction / Overview: I bought Harold for $100.00, delivered. After cleaning him out I was $4.00 richer in pocket change. 
Drivetrain: Stock 2.3L. It runs! The 1st stage of cleaning revealed something that I'd never seen or heard of before - a little window in the carburetor that lets you see if there's fuel in it or not!
Chassis: Stock
Wheels and Tires: 4 flat R14's. The spare was the only one that held air. Too bad there was only 1.
Body & Paint: Rusty yellow with mossy green highlights. I expect to find rust under the moss. The plan is to spray it with herbicide, sand and grind the rust off, patch the holes using found materials (4 license plates so far) and then coat the whole damned thing in bed liner.
Interioir: Stock. What's left of it. I want to replace the bench seat with buckets, install a push button ignition, and shorten the steering column to open up the driver's area a little.
Lifestyles: Build-It, Drive-It