Location: middle of nowheresville, United Kingdom
Joined: 10/22/2007
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Hot Rodder, H.A.M.B.
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"A Roadster"     1928 Ford Model A

Introduction / Overview:

All steel 28 A roadster, gona do the trunk in to a rumble seat, poss over the winter...but then again maybe not....also want to detail the underside a bit more and change the wheels and tyres to Astro Supremes and thin whitebands...just got to work out how to get the cash...

 I also hold my hands up and say "I bought it, I didn't build it....!" It was built by Gary Mc who put 3000 hours in to it, finished it to a standard I couldn't have been arsed to....I would have got it to primer and driven the nuts off it...and it still would have cost twice what I paid...saying that I really should have told the wife i was gona buy it!!.. suprised i'm still married ! 

Drivetrain: ZZ4, 700R4, 8 inch ford rear on coilovers, chrome drop beam. chrome multi leaf front...don't get a monoleaf....I bust one in less than 15000 miles and hit a car coming the other way!
Chassis: TCI (i think...even Gary don't know for certain) but plenty modified
Wheels and Tires: yes it has some.....steels and wide whites (firestone) with 4bar flipper the moment
Body & Paint: straight red..very red...and very straight
Interioir: candy stripes..leather
Lifestyles: Hot Rodder, H.A.M.B.