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"My 23 Roadster"     1923 Ford Roadster

Introduction / Overview: Well,just like the song say's, I found her in a barn in Tennessee,my T-Bucket T. LOL The car was first built back in the late 70's early 80's,the first go round it had a Hemi in it,and from the tales I been told it was an uncontrolable monster,that had one speed,and if ya didn't like it,get out. LOL The guy toned it down and swapped it out and put in a 327. It has all the tacky stuff they did to them back then,just like the disco's. Blah !!! The owner passed away and it sat in an open shed from 95' till 07'. It was bought and shoved in a barn/shop waiting for rebuild that never happened. Then I heard about it,and I have wanted one since H.S. over 30 years ago,so I jumped on it. For just about a year now I been working on the dream. Slow and steady.
Drivetrain: 350cu,turbo 400,Ford 9" running 4:11's
Chassis: Homebuilt
Wheels and Tires:
Body & Paint:
Lifestyles: Old-School