Location: Cornwall, United Kingdom
Joined: 09/17/2008
My Styles
Builder, Hot Rodder, Build-It, Drive-It, H.A.M.B.
views: 62537
My Crew 2
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"Portuguese Falcon"     1960 Ford Falcon

Introduction / Overview:

Bought pretty much unseen and a whole lot rougher than it was described. Plans are for a cool but useable wagon for my pinstriping business.

Since I am Chairman of UK Kustoms car club, I guess that it will have more than a few kustom touches.


An English 2 litre Ford Pinto motor and autobox. I have chosen this motor since gas over here is ridiculously expensive. I also live a long way away from anything in the far South Western tip of the UK. The closest rod run we go to is around 200 miles away so economy is very important.

 The Pinto motor has a smaller displacement than the stock 6 but weighs about half as much and actually produces more horsepower.

Chassis: Stock
Wheels and Tires: Plans are for either steels and caps or something 60s period. Whitewalls / whitebands are a given.
Body & Paint: Colour undecided but I'm thinking a Winfield style fade job on the body and a flaked / laced / candy roof. Of course there will be plenty of striping.
Interioir: Undecided but something nice and useable
Lifestyles: Builder, Hot Rodder, Build-It, Drive-It, H.A.M.B.