1000 mph Car: Bloodhound SSC
Bonneville Salt Flats: Gearing up for Everything Speed!
There’s always one new car or project out there that makes you go think: DAMN! I found one. Richard Noble, you might have heard of him, is leading the charge. In his words:
“Welcome to the BLOODHOUND Project, the engineering adventure for the 21st century. We are pushing the limits and inspiring our young engineers and scientists with our incredible car capable of 1,000mph”
1000 mph.
Richard’s got the experience to do it too. He held the land speed record from 1983 to 1997 driving Thrust2 on the Black Rock Desert in Nevada. His record was a mere 633mph. Now, the team led by Noble’s looking to blow past the record of ThrustSSC at 763mph and break 1000mph. If they can do it, they’ll be the second car ever to break the sound barrier.
There’s nothing more I can say about the car that’s not spelled out in full (overwhelmingly so) detail on the Bloodhound SSC homepage. So let me share a couple videos:
Animated Video of the Bloodhound SSC’s record breaking run:

Richard Nobel’s old ride, Thrust2
1983 Record Run for Thrust2

I can’t get enough. But I’d rather see a wheel driven car set a record. Next I’ll have to find some info and video for the Railton Special, the Bluebird-Proteus CN7 and the “White Triplex” from back in 1928, the last time the USA held the land speed record for wheel driven cars.
Sound good?
I agree about the wheel-driven cars (although the clutchless White Triplex sounded very hairy) I think the USA currently holds the land speed record for wheel-driven cars. There are various arcane categories, but Goldenrod, Spirit of ’76 and the Turbinator all hold current ones, with Turbinator’s standing at 470 mph.