1956 Ford F100 Dual Hemi’s Just in Case He Needs to Pass!

2014 Detroit Autorama – Hot Rod’s at Their Best #5


1956 Ford F100,  Hemi Hot Rod, 2014 Detroit Autorama Basement Car Show


I found out some about the auxiliary power plant from the owner: “By the way, the motor in the back is “functional”. We have LED lights for brake and turn signals in the water ports of the heads, the gas filler is in the bellhousing for the rear mounted stainless tank and the oil pan is hiding the cut out in the floor for the pumpkin to come though on the nasty sucker bumps.”

Many times, I’ll take bunches of pictures of hot rods I like at a car show. Too many times, I don’t post those pictures cause I never interviewed the owner. It’s best for me, and hopefully you the reader to see AND hear why, “My Ride is Me” but if should I hold back the pictures? How many visitors only look at the pictures anyway??


This time, I did worse than normal and didn’t get an overall shot of the truck! But… here’s the Hemi up front! That makes 2 Hemi’s and one bad F100!


1956 Ford F100,  Hemi Hot Rod, 2014 Detroit Autorama Basement Car Show


The Other Best Hot Rods from Detroit

Want to see more great hot rods? Check out the Hot Rods Page at MyRideisMe.com


I know Alan Wood from, believe it or not, just outside London, England! (Or so I thought…) He’s actually from
Ilderton, Ontario – Just outside London, Ontario. OOPS!!


We’re buds on Facebook, so I’m hoping Alan will hook me up with an overall shot of his Ford F100 so I can add it to this story. He’s invited me to a show out his way… wish I could go!


If you’re looking for more Detroit Autorama or Ridler Award Coverage, the easiest thing to do is go to this page: All Pictures and Stories from Detroit Autorama. It’s automatically updated for all the new stories.


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