1960 Ford Falcon: 4 Days to Go Engine 1

Homebuilt Ford Falcon by Greasegirl #8

ford falcon engine

After last night’s final coat of paint, we’re now working towards getting everything back together. I cleaned and painted steering and suspension parts while Ethan continued prepping the new engine block. It still feels like our progress is going a little slowly… but I’m thinking when the parts start getting bolted back in place things might speed up.

While I was cleaning parts today, I found a new tool! I was looking for a larger wire brush when I found this $1.00 barbecue brush/scraper laying around. It looked like a good candidate for the job…and I was right. The wide brush with short bristles far surpasses the skinnier longer ones I’ve gotten before in the parts store – and it has an added bonus of the scraper on the end. Next time you see these for cheap, pick a couple up!

We’re ready to attach the transmission and hoist this sucker up and into it’s new home. Catch up with us tomorrow for that – in the meantime, I’m the featured author over at Tinkernation.com this week. I write about some earlier progress in the Falcon project… busted knuckle and all!


In the Garage Until: 11:59pm


Want to catch up? Here’s where everything started:  12 Day 1960 Falcon Build #1


For more Falcon fun, check out Pikesan’s project: 1963 Ford Falcon Wagon Build