Havin' Fun in the Midwest Sun! If John Wells wrote up a recipe for the perfect hot rod event, it would look something like this: Take one large bowl of tradition Fill it with real hot rodders (no fillers, posers or fakes, please) Add in heaping helpings of patina, chrome and some shiny customs Pinches of flirty pinups, great vendors and some parts swapping welcome Surround the whole thing in excellent tunes and activities that can be enjoyed by the whole family and… We got us a hot rod festival! A little indoor action as well You have to wonder if John is just a little obsessed as the details for these shows is becoming legend. Worked heavily by volunteers (myself included!), the Vintage TorqueFest for 2014 in Dubuque, Iowa May 2-4, drew hundreds of vehicles and vintage bikes and thousands of spectators from 9 states, all carefully orchestrated so there was ample parking, great food available and a vibe that you just couldn’t help but enjoy. These old Lincolns are custom from the factory! The sun shown brightly Saturday when the bulk...
Vintage TorqueFest 2014, May 2-4 in Dubuque, Iowa
What Makes This Show So Different? It's not just a show! It's an all-out, ultra-cool festival!!!! Artists, live bands, swap meet, vintage apparel and furniture dealers, classic pin up girl contest, vintage motorcycles, hot rods, and custom cars will all join in one group at the Dubuque County Fairgrounds. Cars and motorcycles are already registered from MI, OH, IL, MN, KS, MO, NY, MA, SD, TX, OK, IN, and of course many from WI and IA. The car count is expected to be around 600-750 classic hot rods. This show strives to bring back a specific time in history. A period before muscle cars, and before old cars were brought up to date with digital technology. In an attempt to solidify this specific era there is segregated parking. There will be a Friends parking area for the cars that don’t meet the entry guidelines. With the inclusion of the Friends parking area (an area designated for cars that were made after 1964) there could be 800 cars rolling into the Fairgrounds! Live music from internationally known music acts will be playing at the...
2014 Detroit Autorama… Video Takes You There
Experience the 2014 Ridler Winner Right Here! Us hot rodders, we’re an interesting breed. We work and slave away, gathering dimes and nickles all for the goal of being truly creative with some sort of wheeled creation. For so many of us, it’s an emotional experience and we love to share that experience when we get the opportunity. This year MyRideisMe worked hard to capture that emotion with our 2014 Detroit Autorama stories and pictures. The same passion that drives all of us inspires some great videos from Don Cenkner at Two Lane Blacktop Productions. Don's putting together a great 2014 Detroit Autorama with a special look at the Ridler contenders and the Ridler Winner. This is an in depth, “Behind the Scenes” look with great setup and prep footage. And if that wasn't enough, you’ll be treated to an overall look at the show with extensive interviews with participants. We promise you’ll be moved by these productions and here’s a 2014 Ridler Award teaser just to get you prepared for what’s coming. Stay tuned, sit back and enjoy! [youtube]http://youtu.be/50nSL462zww[/youtube] To see what you're...
2014 Grand National Roadster Show AMBR competitor looked to history for inspirat...
Is Ronnie and Deb Goodwin’s ’32 Roadster the “perfect hot rod”? Traditional hot rods hold an aura all their own, influenced by the very earliest rodders who not only wanted to instill some of their own personality in their vehicles, but create true works of art. Ronnie Goodwin understands this influence and after studying hot rodding history, he knew what he had to do. While Ronnie could understand his buddies loving Tri-five Chevrolets, Corvettes and Mustangs, he was smitten by the all time classic hot rod, the 1932 Ford roadster, a one-off classic that became the darling of hot rodders almost from its introduction. When Henry Ford relented and allowed his Model A to have some needed refinement, the future was set and hot rodding as we know it began in earnest. The Deuce was born. Ronnie wanted to create the quintessential hot rod, the ’32 roadster that if you woke up in 1957 and looked out the window, this is the car you would see. He was particularly swayed by the likes of Ray Brown and Walker Morrison, early hot rodders whose cars...
America’s Most Beautiful Roadster Contenders-Taking on the “Big Guys...
High school program gets kids involved in hot rodding One of the benefits of carrying a media pass at some of the big show events is you have access the regular guy doesn’t have…which is why we write about it and share it here! Heading into the 2014 Grand National Roadster Show I was psyched to see some of the finest iron in the country, all shined up and waiting for the crowds to come and gawk, stare and drool over. Got caught just a bit off guard, though, inside the main building where the contenders for the America’s Most Beautiful Roadster competition was happening. It was early Friday before the crowds got inside so all the cars were being set up inside their display areas with the required buffers, wipers and waxers doing their thing on every vehicle. One display stopped me short because it was being swarmed by what I thought were “high schoolers”…you know those young human beings we old timers don’t get to see too often at rod and custom events. It’s just not natural. But here they...
Bonneville at 2014 GNRS – 80 Record Setting Race Cars
Save The Salt Foundation Gets $40,000 from "Century of Speed" For those of us who have been honored to walk on the surface of what is known as The Bonneville Salt Flats, there is a myriad of terms used to describe the experience. Common words like magic or mystical or speed heaven are almost immediately used and usually accompany a kind of far-off gaze that comes over the face of the person relating their experience. It’s as if this specific part of the planet was put aside just for speed addicts. For 100 years we speed addicts have pushed, pulled, carried or driven our mechanical mounts out to one of the strangest places on earth, where little survives and even less is welcome. Here on The Salt we’ve sought the ultimate prize of speed, shooting first for that magic 100 mile per hour plateau but today taking all sorts of racing machinery to 200, 300, 400…heck, let’s just go for 500 or 700 miles per hour. At Bonneville, though the limitations can place great obstacles in front of the speed demons that shoot across the shiny...
National Corvette Museum Reports Serious Sinkhole Collapse
No one is hurt, but 8 Corvettes are damaged at Bowling Green, Kentucky facility National Corvette Museum staff received a call at 5:44am from a security company alerting them of motion detectors going off in the Skydome area of the Museum. Upon arrival it was discovered that a sinkhole had collapsed within the Museum. No one was in or around the Museum at the time. The Bowling Green Fire Department arrived on the scene and secured the area. The Fire Department has estimated the size of the hole is 40 feet across and 25-30 feet deep. Click here for Corvette Museum Security Footage Click here for drone video from inside collapsed National Corvette Museum Click here for press conference announcing GM role in restoration of damaged Corvettes The Museum released a statement that said, "It is with heavy hearts that we report that eight Corvettes were affected by this incident. "As it started happening, it triggered an alarm, so the security company called an employee," Museum Executive Director Wendell Strode said. The alarm, which was triggered at 5:38 a.m., also resulted in a call to the fire...
A Newbie at 2014 GNRS…The Most Fun?
The Suede Palace, for sure! Take an Iowa "kid", ship him to hot rod mecca (in this case, the 2014 Grand National Roadster Show) and then ask him..."Well? Whadja like the best?" Aside from the pure California vibrations that set in just after stepping off the plane from the frigid Midwest, this hot rodder had a hard time sitting still over a two-day jaunt at the Pomona Fairplex where not only could your hot rod addiction be satiated, but you could easily overdose...all with a great big smile on your face. The historic GNRS, celebrating 65 continuous years of car mania events, is everything and more, if you've heard any tales of what this show is all about. Let's see, the main building has all the potentials vying for 2014 America's Most Beautiful Roadster and they are surrounded by some of the finest custom and hot rod iron this car nut could ever imagine. Then there's oh, yes, five more buildings filled full of chrome, speed and attitude only a fanatic could truly appreciate. The Pomona complex is huge and the main building consumes hours...
Gumout Partners with Top Fuel Driver Leah Pritchett
Gumout & Dote Racing Team for 2014 NHRA Top Fuel Former Pro Mod Star Secures Major Sponsor in Tough Top Fuel Ranks Gumout Performance Additives announced sponsorship with young drag racing star Leah Pritchett and the Dote Racing Top Fuel dragster team for the 2014 NHRA Mello Yello Drag Racing Series. Gumout, a trusted brand that has offered drivers numerous automotive performance products for nearly 70 years, returns to the NHRA professional drag racing ranks with the partnership with the Ohio-based Top Fuel squad and the talented California native, Pritchett behind the wheel of the Gumout/Dote Racing 8,000-horsepower, nitro-burning dragster. Gumout became a drag racing staple in the 1970s and 1980s with the legendary “Grumpy’s Toy” Pro Stock car campaigned by Hall of Famer Bill “Grumpy” Jenkins. Gumout expanded its motorsports activities following the Jenkins association with a variety of competitions included circle track racing, road racing, boat racing and off-road racing. “We are extremely excited to return to NHRA professional drag racing in a big way with Leah Pritchett and the Dote Racing Top Fuel organization,” said Rusty Waples, Global Group Brand Manager at...
Bonneville SAAB Story or . . . How I Raced Three Cylinders and Broke Land Speed...
Rare 1968 Saab Sonett II makes up the base of this land speed record holder The temperature is about 100 degrees, there’s no wind and what shade there is comes from an overhead tarp stretched from the side of a trailer. But Tom and Patti Donney are busy moving around their race car, methodically checking it over and getting ready for another trip to the starting line last August during Speed Week 2013. Getting the couple to break away and actually sit down to talk about their passion for speed seems, well…awkward. You learn right away that Tom and Patti aren’t just talk. They DO. With no reservation. The little ’68 Saab Sonett II sits at center stage of this passion that began just three short years ago and has culminated each of those three years during fabled Speed Week which happens each August on the Bonneville Salt Flats, a desolate, but perfectly flat expanse of salt outside Wendover, Utah. A full cage and chassis was built to fit the Saab plastic body. (Phone camera photo) The head is off the Sonett’s three cylinder...
Winner: 2014 America’s Most Beautiful Roadster
2014 Grand National Roadster Show AMBR Winner Results are in! 2014 America's Most Beautiful Roadster Winner: 1935 Chevrolet Phaeton owned by Wes Rydell As always, for any picture: Click to see the full-size image. 2014 America's Most Beautiful Roadster In MyRideisMe.com's 7th year at the Grand National Roadster Show, we successfully picked the winner again. (To see the other 2014 America's Most Beautiful Roadster Contenders click here) There's no doubt all 11 hot rods were great builds by passionate owners, but when looking for true beauty in a roadster, this 1935 Chevy Phaeton is another masterpiece! It took about 30 years for Wes Rydell to finally put together his 1935 Chevy Standard Phaeton, a rare 4-door that has been around his Rydell Toy Shop in Grand Forks, North Dakota just waiting for the right touch. The 2014 America’s Most Beautiful Roadster got that touch not only from designer Chip Foose, but Rydell enlisted builder Troy Trepanier to complete the understated “driver” as he described the AMBR winner during last weekend’s 65th Annual Grand National Roadster Show in Pomona, California. To see all Grand National...
2014 Grand National Roadster Show – First Favorites
Hot Rods, Custom Cars, Land Speed Racers and Classics 2014 GNRS in Pomona, CA If you're looking for the "2014 America's Most Beautiful Roadster" contender pictures, click here For more Hot Rod and Custom Car Pictures from GNRS, click here Welcome to 2014! The 2014 Grand National Roadster Show should be designated the 8th wonder of the world or at least placed up there well in line with the Super Bowl or what's it called? Oh yeah, the World Series! For addicted car people, this grand daddy of car shows puts virtually every kind of vehicle right in front of you...most within touching distance AND you get to see the contenders for the prestigious "American's Most Beautiful Roadster"! Really now...can anything be better? There's still time to enjoy the festivities as the show runs through Saturday and Sunday, January 26 and 27. It's tough to roll out favorites because there's just so much to choose from but here's just a few from the hundreds that are awaiting the crowds expected to finish out this wild car weekend in the Pomona Fairplex. We've spent one very...