2008 Grand National Roadster Show Winner Make sure to check out the 2009 Pictures of the Grand National Roadster Show! The votes are in for the 2008 America's Most Beautiful Roadster award from the "Grand-daddy of them all" the Grand National Roadster Show in Pomona, California held last weekend, 1/26-27. Thanks to the show's promoter at Hotrodshows.com, I found the basic description for the AMBR: "The judges at this show are looking for excellence in: Display, Engineering, Paint, Engine, Interior, and Detail. All AMBR entries must be able to start under their own power and move forwards and backwards. All AMBR entries will be displayed in 20 X 20’s in Building 4. Winner is determined by a point system from the judging staff, and producer." Good luck guys! ALL of the cars looking to win the AMBR are nearly perfect. What am I saying? They are perfect! But let's break this down a little. Before we do, here's the winner: The 32 Roadster owned by Rudy Necoechea called, "Undisputed" As I've mentioned before, writing about another contending car, (previous blog, click here) the judges for these polished wonders have...
World of Wheels Pics uploaded
Just wanted to let you know that Paul (Swanee3) has loaded a few of his pics from the Phoenix 2008 World of Wheels in the MyRideisMe.com event picture gallery. (Click here to see it!) While you're there, check out the tons of pics from the Goodguys show and Billetproof 2007. Coming soon are pics from Fontana Raceway and the Grand National Roadster Show in Pomona, CA. Here's a sample of Swanee's work: If you'd like to see more of Swanee's work, check out the other site's where he loads pictures (he tells me he loves MyRideisMe.com the most!) Then watch for some photos by a new member, SEAANDSANDS. He's a portrait photographer, so this is a hobby for him too, but dig the effects he did on this photo. You gotta love that! Thanks guys! Subscribe to this blog: RSS 2.0 Care to comment? Can you take better pictures? Let's see'm! And while you're here, please JOIN MyRideisMe.com 10% off entire order at Discount Performance Auto Parts use code...
Motorcycle Jump World Record
Robbie Maddison set a new world record by jumping his motorcycle 322 feet at the Rio in Las Vegas last night. Apparently, he did a 350 foot jump in practice. To put this in perspective, Evel Knievel crashed jumping the short way across the Caesar's Palace fountain with his heavy old Harley. Exactly 40 years later, Maddison probably would have cleared that same fountain going the long way!!! Check out the video at ESPN:...
Yokohama Japan’s Hot Rod Show
While cruising Myspace looking for car and bike enthusiasts to bring to the light of MyRideisMe.com, I learned of the 16th Annual YOKOHAMA HOT ROD Custom Show 2007 that happened December 2nd in Pacifico Yokohama sponsored by Mooneyes Yokohama. I’ve got a special interest in what’s going on in Japan since I work for Nissan and I lived in Harajuku, Tokyo, Japan in 2000. When there, I’d occasionally see a car that was completely out of place: an old Chevy wagon or a vintage Mustang, but nothing like what’s at this show. To find the best pics of a Japanese show you look at Japanese websites, right? Good luck! That's where a new friend from Myspace named Jiro from Gifu, Japan (near Osaka) helped me find some of those websites, especially this one: SP@RETIME. Maki Kurata from Nagoya, Japan runs Sp@retime and it is LOADED with outstanding pictures of the bike and hot rod scene in Japan. The picture to the left was just loaded. Maki and his buddies are riding in Japan now and it is COLD there now! This gallery's called: いつものメンツで極寒ナイトクルーズ! which loosely translates to: "The...
The Big Show: Goodguys Scottsdale, AZ
Mess-up fuel pump, lost air bleed screw for the new carbs, broken rocker stud, up all night getting ready for the show and sore-as-hell-legs. We had a great time! Here’s my recap of the 2007 Goodguys Show in Scottsdale, AZ. That all didn’t happen to me, I did change the fuel pump on my car, but probably didn’t need to. The new pump only hit about 1.5psi to start, then up to 3, back to 1, all over the place. Finally, she settled in and makes 3 psi as I’d hoped. My friend Joe helped out by taking this photo. By the way, your battery will go dead if you leave the pump on. sigh. For the big day, Saturday, we met at 6AM at a gas station. 6 of us left together headed north on the 101. Just as we hit the freeway, I decided I’d better get gas… duh, shoulda done that before. As soon as I got back on the road, I saw my pops and his friend Larry on the side of the road. Broken rocker stud. Larry had it at the show by 11!...
Pictures from Billetproof 2007
2007 Billetproof Rocked! Here's the pictures we have. We still have about 350 to add including a bunch of bikes. If you like what you see, please join! MyRideisMe is like a great party at 8:30 PM... the band's setting up people are on the way... have a beer and enjoy until the music starts! Click HERE to see all the car pictures. Click HERE to see all the bike...