George Trosley: Krass and Bernie Visit the Garage
If you have ever been to a large auto swap meet with commercial vendors or flipped through a car catalog that offers automobile collectibles for sale, then you’ve probably seen the art of George Trosley (Troz). Troz started his career the traditional way by attending Hussian School of Commercial Art in Philadelphia, PA. After schooling, he landed several well paying commercial jobs working for various studios. But Troz felt that something was missing in his life. Illustrating commercial products was boring and tedious. Taking a big chance in 1973, he threw it all away to chase his dream of becoming a freelance cartoonist. He soon began drawing for CARtoons magazine where he would later create a couple of the best loved characters of the magazine known as Krass and Bernie. Originally Troz wanted to name them “Crash and Burn” which were the nicknames for his brother and himself growing up. They received the nicknames from all their crazy mini-bike and go-cart stunts.
Being the hard worker that he is, Troz refers to himself as an “art prostitute”; he is not scared to draw anything for anybody. His work has appeared in a variety of magazines such as the Saturday Evening Post, Saturday Review, National Enquirer, and New Woman. But he is best known for his car related cartoons in magazines like Car Craft and Street Trucks plus his regular cartoon appearances in Hustler magazine. Because, as Troz says, “Girls and Cars. What else is there?” Troz has branched out from magazines now and you can find his art on everything from t-shirts to signs. You can even get old Krass and Bernie cartoons and How to Draw CARtoon Cars on CD. One of the things I really love about Troz is he will also create a cartoon of your ride any way you want it and for a reasonable
price. He has drawn several for me already and each one is better than the last! Be sure to visit his website ( for information on all his great stuff.
But Troz doesn’t just draw cars, he drives them. His current ride is a ’39 Ford Sedan. It is powered by a 400 Chevy Small block pushing an automatic transmission and a 9” Ford rear. Up front is a Mustang II front suspension setup. Topping it off with a killer Alpine sound system makes this car a real cruiser.
Want to hear George Trosley tell many of his humorous stories about starting out? Check out the 7/13/2008 podcast from “The Mighty Sabo … and Son!” on Talk Shoe.
Written by Bubba Harmon (bubbastoybox).
Photos and artwork provided by George Trosley and used with permission.
I love seein Trosley’s Cartoons! But I have to admit, some of my favorite Trosley work was the non-automotive cartoons he did for a popular men’s magazine. Good write up!
Mr. Trosley was a HUGE inspiration to me as a kid (…and as an adult kid, too!), namely his “How To Draw” series in CARtoons! Man… how many of us doing this today can all look back on those? Probably all of us!
Truly a multi-talented artist, humorist and inspirational human being!
Great post…. thanks for highlighting one of my heroes!
George was and is an awesome cartoonist. I remember his work as if it was yesterday….that’s a good thing because there are a lot of things I have chosen to forget! Thanks for featuring his work!!
I Love CARtoons, and I wish I still had mine especially the ones with the Iron on’s .
What an awesome write up…….I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy……=]
Dear George,
The comic book, CARToons sparked my memory, Did you know Jerry Barnett? He did several strips for different car & motorcycle publications CARToons being one. I went to school with Jerry & he used to draw advertisements for my mother’s hobby shop back in the 50’s. I still have some of heis early drawings.
Leo Metz
Mr.Trosley.I am a 40 year old man ,who as a child had only one true passion that had me a happy little camper, and that was “CARtoons” magazine,insane over the muscle car and the art work that you came up with !! KEEP THE TIRES SMOKIN !!! MR.SMITH
Hi George I’ve seen your art around for a long time and admired and enjoyed it.
I like your layout and the scope of your site .How long have you had it up and running?
I was cruising the net and stumbled across your site, being a car nut my self. As you, I love cartoons and cars also and have dune them off and on for years sence high school. That when I got the car fever living in California bay area. That first low-riding black merc that cruised through the our local drive-in is where I found my true love even before girls. With out much money in high school the will, I started striping my buddies cars and hanging around the local wrecking yards. That’s where I started striping cars with poster paints and “no critics”. I would stay and visit more but don’t want to bore you about me. But if you get a chance please check out my new site just started and Let me know what you think.Thanks. Jack
Hey George,
I love CARtoons, and Krass and Bernie are the best thing ive ever read! Keep up the awesome work, man.