Mellow Artist Paints Nostalgia and Speed
Car Art and Hot Rod Art Become Fine Art
Have you ever met Tom Fritz? Chances are, you’d remember if you had.
You probably noticed the dark display at one of your favorite car shows, then you were drawn in by the vivid paintings filling almost every bit of dark. I last ran into the flip-flop wearing, ultra soft-spoken Fritz at Barrett Jackson 2010. I don’t know crap about art, especially fine art except for what I like, and I like what Tom’s throwing down.
Tom’s art is all the more sweet when he takes the time to talk with you about each piece and fill you in on some of the catchy titles like: “Feeling the Belts”, “Raising Merry Hell II”, “Ancient Barbaric Amusements” and one of my favorites, “Quick Sombish”. (link to Fritzart Gallery) Tom wrote about the making of “Quick Sombish” from the concept sketches to the in-process work and of course, the finished piece (shown here). To date, it’s one of my favorite stories at and a recommended read for any artist. Read about this Wheels up front engine dragster by clicking here.
To pass the time when Tom’s at a show, sometimes he’ll paint. Swanee nabbed this action shot of Tom at my request because I just couldn’t believe how he holds his brush. Arm extended, holding the brush nearly at it’s end, he paints these strikingly beautiful paintings. Is anyone else amazed by this? I’d shake and be smooth like a California highway. It’s a treat to watch.
You can barely see the reference photo he’s got behind the light, and even tougher to see in a photo is the sketched image he’s after. From there, Fritz usually adds a period character that no doubt loves his hot rod like no other (or is driving the piss out of it!)
These two paintings are 1 of a kind. I know the Hemi powered, blown dragster racing out of the blazing sunset was sold before the paint dried. As you can imagine, Barrett Jackson attracts quite a few who only want (and can easily afford) original paintings. Up in the top left corner of this picture, you can see another of my favorites, mentioned above, called “Feeling the Belts”. Chutes-out, this front engine dragster’s easing to stop through an almost Tom Fritz-signature, warm and glowing sunset. Damn Tom, it’s hard to pick a favorite!
So when you see Tom at the next show, go say hi and ask about, “Messin with the Institution” or maybe, “Shaving the Devil’s Beard” shown in his display. The same warm glow seen in the painting’s also waiting for you in conversation with Tom. Enjoy.
Visit Tom Fritz website here.

I am in love with this guys art now man! Him and Larry Grossman are the best Hot Rod Artists.