Check out the art and design of member Brian Stupski of Problem Child Kustoms If you’re like me, before you even purchase a car, you’ve made the plan in your head. After buying the car, the next step is usually trying to find the parts you need to start building your dream, but that's not how big time builders do it… their next step is always a concept illustration ala Chip Foose on Overhauln’. When your dream takes shape on paper, you're miles ahead to getting what you want... You’ve got a real plan. That’s where Brian at Problem Child Kustoms comes in. How sweet is this illustration! This car concept drawing has been updated! Click here. Brian’s a hot rod and custom car designer that actually builds HIS dreams when time allows. He grew up on the standard Hot Rod and Car Craft magazines and got the drawing bug from MAD Magazine (Mort Drucker’s his hero) and from CARtoons magazines. Now, after hard work refining his skills, Brian’s been published in the mags he grew up reading like: Hot Rod Magazine, Street Trucks and Custom Rodder, not...
Pictures from Billetproof 2007
2007 Billetproof Rocked! Here's the pictures we have. We still have about 350 to add including a bunch of bikes. If you like what you see, please join! MyRideisMe is like a great party at 8:30 PM... the band's setting up people are on the way... have a beer and enjoy until the music starts! Click HERE to see all the car pictures. Click HERE to see all the bike...
Pushing the Hot Rod Envelope
Hot Rod Semi - More than a Rat Rod Imagine yourself at a traditional hot rod show like Billetproof, enjoying Antioch California’s cool morning breeze when you smell diesel fumes. Billetproof isn’t the kind of show where you can trailer your baby in, so something’s not right. Then you hear the whine of a giant turbo just as this beast rounds the corner: Behold the 1950 Peterbilt owned by Michael Leeds. The name for this Hot Rod Semi is up in the air, but “Sneaky Pete” is the front runner. Michael comfortably cruised about 100 miles from Santa Cruz, CA thanks to the inline 6 Cummins turbo-diesel hooked to a 12 speed automatic transmission spinning highway friendly 2.92 gears. Michael guesses 12 to 20 mpg but driving range is no problem since he’s hauling 105 gallons in the polished aluminum fuel tank out back. This baby’s read to travel, even weighing in at about 7000 lbs. Michael’s no stranger to giant scale projects. Ever heard of Blastolene? Michael designed Blastolene which was later purchased by legendary car collector Jay Leno. Blastolene’s got an M47 Patton Tank engine that’s 1800...
Nissan GT-R is Almost Here
It's been a long time coming and I've been waiting like so many. The GT-R is a race car built for the street. For those of you who don't know why the GTR's so cool, compare it to the Corvette. Except the GT-R's a racing Corvette (think Z06 + Callaway upgrade) that's NEVER been offered for sale in the US. Here are the pictures Nissan is releasing of the car: The GTR's all business and always has been. Consider that in 1989 the R32 version of the GT-R was undefeated, winning 29 of 29 races in the 1990 Japanese Touring Car Championship. Then, the next generation R33 became a legend by lapping the famous Nürburgring race course under 8 minutes. At the time, that was unheard of for a "street" car. In the released photos of the GT-R, it retains its signature round tail lights. Other than that, the details are all rumor since Nissan is keeping extremely tight lips on engine and suspension details. If you want to know the truth, you'll have to wait until the 2007 Tokyo Motor Show in October. When it's release, look for...
Billetproof Pinup
See all of the My Ride is Me pictures from the show HERE MyRideisMe. com will attend the 2007 Billetproof show in Antioch, CA next weekend, September 15th. I can't wait for the show. This is the first time will be properly represented at a show. Here's what we're handing out. I hope you enjoy it! I sure do! It's been my pleasure meeting Dirk Behlau, the photographer and Zoe Scarlett, the beautiful pinup model. They both have cool websites and myspace pages, check them out! Dirk's Myspace: Zoe Scarlett's Myspace: Check out all the Pinups here Pinups Models & Hot...
Tingler Art – The Monster in You
When you were a kid, did you collect trading cards with monsters driving crazy hot rods? I did! So it was great to find J. Tingler. As a fellow HAMB member, Tingler set me up with a custom shirt showing the monster in me driving my own hot rod! (at a very reasonable price too) I love the shirt so much, I got one for my Pops. Admittedly, it's not for everyone, but those are the same people who'd probably still be calling the engine in my car a "Mustang" or "Ranger" motor. Everyone knows it's a PINTO motor... embrace it! Embrace the monster in you! Not my best photo editing work, but you get the idea! Here's a look at some of Tingler's other work, 2 of my favorites: Tingler does all kinds of hot rod art and is available for custom work as well. Here's him in action with the airbrush in hand... VIDEO Get in touch with Tingler at his website or stick around I hope he'll be posting pictures of his Gasser style 63 Fairlane. Hey, I've got one of those...
Vintage Drag Racing Photobook
I've found a book I've got to tell you about. It's called Speed Kings by the German Hot Rod & Pin-Up Photographer Dirk Behlau. Dirk was kind enough to let use a photo he took, including Switzerland's premier pinup model Zoe Scarlett, for a promotional flier at Billetproof. While I rush to get this photo printed, I'll let Dirk describe the book in his own words: It's a Satanic drag thing you wouldn't understand! It's not what you think it is. It's pure power, adrenaline, danger, suspense, Pin-Ups, passion and soul. Call it Rock 'n' Roll! Die Gestalten proudly present "Speed Kings", the hottest publication this summer's likely to see. "Speed Kings" presents photographs by Dirk Behlau that show the wonderful world of Drag racing. My photographs skillfully capture the primordial displays of power and high-tech, the eroticism of machines and the open flirtation with death and destruction. It was certainly not Jesus who built these Hot rods but dedicated people who create, drive and admire their time bombs like no-one else. Drag racing's individual brand of aesthetics fascinates an ever-growing community of fans all around the world....
Slammed Nissan Armada
This Armada's old news! Check this out: Nissan Armada GTR- Not for Soccer Mom I caught this ride at the Scottsdale, AZ Pavilions on Saturday 9/1. The Pavilions is a weekly show at the McDonald's at Indian Bend and the 101.I've got a sweet spot for Nissan's since I'm an Engineer for Nissan. This is the first time I've seen a slammed Armada. The Titan's been done but it's got a solid rear axle. The Armada's rear axle is independent. Eric from Phoenix has this truck done right. 26"Giovanna GG 111 rims tucked in a custom color matched Katzkin charcoal leather interior and a JL Audio system by House of Sounds. It's a well done truck. Check it out! From the back... be sure to check out for more info about the truck. Hopefully, Eric will make a garage at so he can really show us what he's done. If you like what you see, please join...
60’s Drag Car Found…
Vintage Drag Racing Back before I was born, my pops raced this car in northern California, especially Fremont Baylands Raceway and Vaca Valley. It was called, "The Happy Home Wrecker" (my parents are divorced): I have some great memories of this car because after my dad raced it, he sold it to his friend and racing partner Brad Bradly. I used to see it at Brad's shop, Bradly's Automotive in Pt. Richmond, CA. Any time he was going to move that car, we wanted to see it cause it was the loudest car we'd ever heard. Many years later, after the car had changed hands a few times, the new owner, Don Boucher, tracked down Brad in Nevada. Now that I knew who had this old friend, I contacted Don and told him who I was. Don plans to return this car to it's former drag racing glory. I will be updating this blog based on the progress Don makes. I hope to see this car running again. Don, keep us posted! To see more picture of, "The Wrecker" go to Don's Garage at The next story isn't...
The Real “Silver Bullet” – 2007 Woodward Cruise
As I was walking down Woodward Ave it was impossible to miss the Chrysler show at 13 mile. Chrysler hand picked the cars to help show off the new Challenger. Hemi fans were in HEAVEN, but there was one car that caught my eye. Here's the banner that stood overhead: Looks interesting, so I talked to Harold Sullivan, the owner. He told me the car's history. Way back when, this 1968 Plymouth Belvedere GTX was a 440 car doing R&D duty for Chrysler. Not leaving well enough alone, the car was fitted with a 487 ci Hemi with extremely rare A-990 aluminum heads by the infamous Jimmy Addison. Jimmy was known to be a good driver and a street racer, but most importantly, an innovator. He drove this legitimate 10 second beast on the street using tricks like four Cadillac mufflers to keep things quiet. As the "King" of Woodward Ave. Harold claims the car was never beaten. Here's the car at the Chrysler display: So I continued my walk down Woodward where I found, "The Original Bullet" 1967 Plymouth Belvedere GTX. Here's what I saw: Right down to...
Father and Son Hot Rod Team
Ray and Rory Forbes, this father and son team, came all the way from Reno, Nevada to enjoy the 2007 LA Roadster show. Believe it or not, these guys didn’t get to join the official show because they don’t have shinny paint. I wouldn’t have it any other way! Check out this awesome pair of traditional rods! Dad's got style! This is Ray's 1934 Ford. Construction began in the 40's with a top chop suitable for Bonneville, but the project stalled when the men building the car were drafted. After that, the car got passed around until 2 years ago when Ray bought it from a guy who had stored the car for 30+ years, untouched due to health reasons. It was a full build done entirely in the Forbes' garage on weekends by Father and son. The 34 has an early 60's 401 Buick Nailhead donated by a friend who was an early 50's Bonneville racer that ran a 34 Coupe way back when (hence his # on the door, plus the original timing tag!) Inside, it has super rare P-51 stainless seats, custom pedals, an engine turned...
One Night with a Real Doll
Dig these custom shift knobs a buddy's making. Using bronze casting skills on aluminum items for his interior shop helped build his sculpting skills until it was obviously time to make a custom cast shifter knob for his car. Over a dozen original design skull shifter knobs later, his car never got one! Since becoming a professional caster my buddy has earned praise from several hot rodders he respects and is proud to say that the artwork can be found in 31 states and 6 foreign countries. The skulls have a certain level of artistic quality to them. Aside from their historical accuracy, they are set apart from some of the "cartoony" skulls out there, by avoiding excessive exaggeration and including some subtle emotion or energy into each one. However, wanting to grow as an artist, an idea from an early brainstorming session came to life... a pinup girl knob! The goal: Make a piece that not only would look attractive in a car, but would also stand on its own above the “lo-brow” genre as a piece of art. Here it is: They say a gentleman never tells,...