Promod Rockets at St. Louis Coughlin Wins

NHRA Pro Mods at Speed in Pictures

pro mod drag racing, pro mods, pro mod camaro

I’ve always liked Pro Mod racing. Who wouldn’t? I haven’t posted on about these blown and bad, funky-stretched and sleek bodied racers because, well, I ain’t had a chance to FEEL them ripping by at an NHRA event. That’s where my buddy Jim stepped up to help me out. Jim shoots for Optima Batteries, especially for the Optima Top Fueler driven by Dave Grubnic. When Jim asked if I wanted pictures from the St. Louis race, I said OH YEA!

Before checking out these at-speed pictures, enjoy a couple fun facts about Pro Mod engines:

  • Supercharger power adder
    • Limited to 526 cubic inches
    • Minimum weight 2,650 with driver
    • Run on methanol
  • Turbo power adder
    • Limited to 540 cubic inches
    • Max size of 88 mm each
    • Minimum weight 2,650 with driver (same as for Supercharger)
    • Runs on high octane racing gasoline
  • Nitrous Oxide power adder
    • No max displacement! (gulp)
    • Minimum weight 2,425 with driver
    • Runs on high octane racing gasoline

These engines make 2500 to 4000 horsepower propelling the cars in the five second 1/4 mile realm. It wasn’t long ago that a funny car ran in the high fives!

Congratulations to Troy Coughlin on the win, his first since 2005, in his turbocharged Chevy Camaro. Runner up was Danny Rowe.

So enjoy these pictures… I’ll try to get more!