SEMA 2012 – Coolest #6 – Best Wheels
Custom One Off Wheels at SEMA 2012
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Let the debate begin! To me, this was the hottest wheel I saw and if there’s one thing more common then wheels at the SEMA Show, I don’t know what it is!
So why is this my pick of SEMA?
- They’re one of a kind, one off wheels – nobody else at the SEMA Show has these wheels (or ever will)
- They’re on on a bad ass car – 1951 Mercury Custom
- Tons of thought, above and beyond selecting from a catalog, went into the design
Disagree? Cool. Do your thing, but dig this first…
Start with a fairly blank canvas: 20x 8.5″ Centerline Smoothies shown here. Then, let Max Fish, owner at Bio Kustumz hand- mill the wheels — that’s right, on a manual Bridgeport mill — to the design you see here. Max is a guy I gotta meet some day. His company slogan is, “We suck less” and he wears it proud in this video where a radiator hose coupling comes off his lathe.
Now Max wasn’t alone… He had help from my friend Brian Stupski over at Problem Child Kustoms. Brian’s a wizard with everything color and style and together, between Brian, Max and car owner, Jerry Horton (yea, the guy from Papa Roach) these custom wheels were born.
To show the thought put in, check out the sketches Brian did:
That leaves just one more thing… the bad ass car. The one off wheels are on a 1951 Mercury customized by Max as well. It’s called “Reprise”. I should have some killer photos for ya… but I don’t. The ones I have were poo. The paint is so vibrant, the lights inside the convention center and/or my flash crushed the lines of this beautiful custom Merc. I couldn’t post them… But! If you’ve got some sunny glamour shots of the car, send’m over and I’ll insert here. (shoot me an email at moc.emsiedirymnull@nimda)
Until then, enjoy this hot rod artwork Problem Child Kustoms has in progress. I’ll update this pic too when Brian’s finished working his magic. (Lucky you… this rendering is a gift for Jerry Horton, but he, or anyone else, hasn’t seen it yet!)
If you’re a fan of the wheels, fan of the car and of Bio Kustumz, then get the t-shirt to go with! Brian’s put his best onto a t-shirt too and you can pick it up here: Reprise Custom Mercury T-Shirt.
I’ve proven my point, right? Best wheels of the show!

Super cool write up, thank you! Brian Stupski for president!
Max is such an incredible guy. Always willing to lend his advice and never above anyone in regards to meeting random fans. One of the most genuine guys you will ever meet.
Just to clarify, Max was the man behind the car… His wheel design. All I offered were some color comps when it came time to lay in some contrast. I appreciate the mention, but what I contributed was small potatoes. Max is not only a talented builder, fabricator and more, but one hell of a designer. I’m simply stoked to have been fortunate to play along in some way. Congrats to Max and his team, and to Jerry on one beautifully executed Merc.