SEMA 2012 Cool Rides #4 Custom Paint

Traditional to Wild Custom Paint at SEMA 2012

custom cars, custom paint, radical kustom, 1951 Kaiser
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The SEMA Show’s all about custom. One thing there’s never a shortage of is custom paint.

Pictured about is my buddy Keith Charvonia’s 1951 Kaiser. I already posted about it here, The New Sick: 1951 Kaiser Kustom and took some pretty amazing pictures here: Drag’n Kaiser. In case you didn’t read either of those, this “fade” paint job was applied by customizing legend Gene Winfield. The lights of SEMA, outlined by the casino-like red carpet set off the paint, but to really love it, you have to see it in the sun!

Stepping up or maybe to the side… with some custom airbrush work:

custom paint, custom airbrushing, airbrushed graphics, custom truck


Everyone’s seen skulls painted on just about everything, but here’s a new take! In view here is the Terminator skull, a Japanese devil call “Oni”, the gas mask dude, barely visible, the viking skull, bird skull and Friday the 13th skull! It’s all laid out on a pale blue flame-like background.

custom paint, custom airbrushing, airbrushed graphics, custom truck

The other side’s just as impressive. Here on the rear quarter, it says, “Ed Williamson Kustom Paint”. Searching around on Google, Ed’s a regular at the SEMA show with ultra radical custom paint jobs. This one’s the coolest.

Finally, lets go all out over in the Dub Magazine display:

custom paint, custom airbrushing, airbrushed graphics, custom camaro

Clicking on the picture, you’ll see the larger image. and the subtle green metal flake in the tribal-like graphic. Then, it’ll be hard to miss the amazingly lifelike girl on the side. She’s got a friend on every panel…

custom paint, custom airbrushing, airbrushed graphics, custom truck

This is the hood. Any idea who’s work this is? It’d be great to give credit to the owner. I gotta say… I’d have trouble rolling in a ride with paint like this, but damn! The work involved is undeniable.

I know there’s other killer paint jobs I missed. If you shot some and want to include them, shoot me an email at moc.emsiedirymnull@nimda.

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