Speed Seeking Studebakers
Bonneville Salt Flat Racing Vintage Studebakers
If you’ve spent any time at all reading my posts, you know I drive a 1955 Studebaker Champion Coupe. Last year, during my first trip to Bonneville for Speed Week, I had no idea how many Studebakers I would find out on the salt. I knew Studebaker coupes were long-loved in land speed racing for their aerodynamic bodes—but it seemed like everywhere I turned there was another Studebaker!
As I’m finding out, Studebaker coupes have a longer history with land speed racing than I would have guessed. The Bob Bourke-designed streamlined body first appeared in 1953, drastically different than any other car produced. By August of 1953, a ’53 Studebaker Hardtop made its first official run out on the salt. By the following year, the ’53 Coupe had broken its class D/CG record at 114.430mph. In fact, the first full-fendered stock-bodied car to break the highly coveted 200mph mark was a Studebaker coupe, in 1964. The official record was set at 201.744mph by Pisano Brothers/Jim Short in a ’53 Coupe with a 365c.i.d. Chrysler supercharged engine racing in the B/S Gas Coupe category.
Even better, is that although the record wasn’t official until 1964, it was actually six years earlier, in 1958, that the Studebaker Coupe first broke the 200mph milestone! Belmont Sanchez’s #201 (pictured above, courtesy of The American Hot Rod Foundation) barreled down the salty white, reaching a timed speed of 210mph. Running on Chrysler power, this Stude blew all others out of the water! Unfortunately, as it was trying to prove its record, the engine failed and it went unconfirmed…leaving everybody waiting for six more years! (Learn more about How-To Set A Record)
As time passed and Detroit eventually began clueing into aerodynamics to produce sleeker cars, Studebakers continued living up to their Bonneville legacy. That legacy can still be seen today At this year’s Speed Week, my Speed Seeking Studebaker count was 14 (and I’m quite sure I missed a couple) with two different Studes setting a new class record!
Not only were there coupes, but Trucks and Avanti’s made appearances as well. Then of course there were Spectator’s Studes, and I’m proud to say mine can be included in that category, as Studie made it to the salt with me this year! Over the next couple of weeks, I’ll be featuring each one of the 14+ Studebaker’s I encountered!
Be sure to check back in at MyRideisMe.com to see a wide variety of Speed Seeking Studebakers. While you’re at it, continue to catch a little salt fever by taking a sneak peak’s at Speed Week 2010 Studebakers over at MyRideisMe’s picture gallery!
Do you have a Salt Flat memory involving Studebakers? We’d love to hear, leave a comment below!
So let’s get started! Here’s my stories:
Vintage Studebaker Bonneville Race Cars
1953 Studebaker Coupe – Speed Seeking Studebakers #1
1949 Studebaker Farm Truck-Speed Seeking Studebakers #2

Right On GreaseGirl, Studebaker’s Rock!!! I will be anxiously awaiting each and every installment of Speed Seeking Studebakers…
Hey GreaseGirl! We have something in common, I also drive a Studebaker Champion! It’s a ’40 2dr sedan, that never gets recognized as a Studebaker. Take a look on the member page. Look forward to those Bonneville Studes!
Grease Girl,
Your Studebaker… was my favorite on the salt!
It’s a bias, inside, heart- felt thing .
Jeff Brock
Jimmy Short was my Grandpa my mother’s father.
He was an incredible and amazing independent soul and I miss him so much. I am so proud of everything he did he went one to hold and break other records for many years He past away 2 years ago thanks for your post
I miss him so much
He raced all his life