Hot Rod Artist Larry Gardinier Shares His Passion I can remember sitting in junior high school (yeah, we called it JUNIOR HiGH back then…what of it?) with a friend who was really good at drawing those Ed Roth style hot rods with the weird driver poked through the roof, slobbering all over and looking nasty. We loved it and thought “maybe someday we’ll just sit around all day and draw cars for a living.” Uh…didn’t quite work out that way. Tons More Stories about Hot Rod Art (will open in a new window) Larry Gardinier, on the other hand, probably dreamed of the same kind of life, but until he lost his “real” job as an architectural illustrator, there was little chance he would actually swing his legs off the bed every morning and go…draw cars! Gardinier sees his good fortune as fitting him perfectly. “I’ve always been an automotive artist,” he says. Since “going professional” in 1990 Gardinier says he’s been able to take this crazy car passion to new levels. “How could I not love it?” Gardinier may have come by this...
Artist Toolbox – Art from James Owens
James Owens - Featured Hot Rod Artist Everybody could use a little more creativity to fuel their lives – so we’re kicking off a new feature here at MyRideisMe! In our Artist Toolbox series, we’ll introduce you to a new hot rod inspired artist and bring you a tutorial from the artist themselves. So not only will you get the opportunity to learn about some fantastic, creative geniuses – but you might learn a thing or two as well! Some people out there hear the word “art” and think of fancy-schmancy galleries and a bunch of stuffed shirts. Others hear “low brow art” and assume it’s something the wife wouldn’t allow hanging in the house. No matter what you think of hot rod art, you’re in for a surprise! The artists we’ll spotlight in the Artist Toolbox series create high-class, fun, and hot-rod inspired pieces of beauty. They put the same sort of grit and heart into their works of art as we all put into our cars. This month’s feature artist is James Owens. Originally out of Detroit, James has single-handedly coined the phrase “car noir.” Art should...
Waves at Pebble Beach Concours – Hot Rod Art
Hot Rod Art by Tom Fritz at Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance (Click picture for full size) "What D'Ya Reckon She'll Do?" - Oil on canvas, 41" x 27" Catch Hot Rod Artist and overall cool-guy at the upcoming Pebble Beach car show. Tom Fritz art has been featured several times here at for a simple reason: Tom's paintings inspire! Tom captures the coolest hot rods and vintage motorcycles in vivid colors, but what you'll remember is the emotion seen in every painting. You'll wonder, what's that guy thinking? It's my pleasure to see Tom all over SoCal and at Barrett Jackson in Arizona, and it will be yours too at Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance. The show runs from August 17-21 with the Automotive Fine Arts Society (AFAS) Exhibition on Sunday, August 21. Here's Tom prepping you for the show and his new paintings: Two globs of oil are scooped up and shmushed onto the sheet of glass I use as a palette. A couple quick swirls and the color is pretty close to what I'm looking for. A little modification with a previously mixed color satisfies my eyeball,...
Drawing Cars – Blown Dodge A-100!
Car Concept Drawings that'll blow your mind! This little Dodge A-100 has been the one piece of my work that gets me more emails, calls, letters and requests for re-prints than any other I've sketched. This car concept drawing's just got that something that makes people grin, and everyone just seems to get it. It's fun, it's irreverent, it's obnoxious... It sums up my earliest inspirations and daydreams in one bright orange, low-slung package, and looks like it just did something wrong... And, frankly, it doesn't give a shit. It's my inner child, street machine-style, hyped-up on orange soda and pizza. I began drawing cars after a career move from cubicles to cubic off-road insanity. I was designing project cars and doing car concept drawings for clients at night and on weekends, and managing them during the day at that new job. My personal artwork was taking on a realistic appearance out of necessity, but the wild style within still wanted to play. One day in late 2006, I let it out in the form of this orange hued bit of my ID, now simply known in the studio...
From Photo to a Watercolor Painting -It’s Car art
Hot Rod Art It started as an email to to see if I would grant permission for an artist to use a photo he found. Thanks to artists Paul And Kimberly Buford for doing the right thing! Turns out, it wasn't my photo, it was taken at Viva Las Vegas by Paul "Swanee" Swanson. Turns out, this is a popular photo: Cars like this Chevy fit right in at Viva and original "Patina" has never been more popular. So I asked Paul some questions about his artwork. Keep in mind, about all I know about artwork and painting is what I like... Why watercolors? - I've worked in several different media, and always come back to watercolors. The idea that you are staining the paper is what I love, and the way the colors mix together either in the palette or on the paper. Why this image (and others similar)? - I have always been drawn to decayed or decaying items (whether it be old buildings, collapsed barns, or abandoned/aged cars). The more I studied them and thought about what it was I got from them the more...
Motorburg Design Center at 41st NSRA Nats
Meet the Artists and Participate in the Working Studios! Motorburg announced that it would be presenting a “Design Center” attraction at the 2010 N.S.R.A. Nationals in Louisville, KY – August 5th through the 8th., the online resource for automotive designers, artists and enthusiasts, with an emphasis on rods & customs, will be heading up this uniquely entertaining venue. features art and design galleries by an associate group of some of the hottest artists and designers in the industry as well as a thriving Forum of international talent. Increasingly, it’s becoming the “go to place” for an ever-changing array of articles and tutorials for all who appreciate the form and function of the American style of custom built automobile. Motorburg’s associate artist list reads like a “who’s who” of rod & custom art and design and includes: Darrell Mayabb – Thom Taylor – Jimmy Smith – C. Cruz – Greg Tedder – Ralph Burch – Brian Stupski – C. Smith… as well as CARtoon greats Nelson Dewey and Errol McCarthy. The Design Center gallery will display art by these associates as well as prints and portfolios by Motorburg’s...
1320Designs – Hot Rod Concept Drawings
Drawing Cars with My Buddy Joel This blog post is a long time coming. We at MyRideisMe have shown off a number of talented hot rod artists. Joel Nelson of 1320 Designs is most definitely on that list. I mean, just dig these drawings below. Asking Joel how he got into drawing cars, he said: I got into drawing cars from watching The Dukes of Hazzard on prime time and Smokey and the Bandit. Thankfully CarTOONS was in full circulation too and that really put me over the edge! Then during the late 80's and early 90's, I really got into drawing Pro Street cars. Nothing was safe from becoming "pro street-ed". You could make anything look nasty by dropping it and adding a set of big 'n' littles! I like to work with markers and pastels mostly but have been known to do hand painted work in Photoshop too. Nothing beats pencil and paper though! This first one is Joel's latest and is our own Pikesan's 1961 AMC Rambler Wagon gasser concept drawing. You'll be seeing more of this concept from Joel in the future as he fine tunes...
Haddens Hot Rod Drawings
Hot Rod and Car Art I wish I could draw cars. I was decent when I was young, but now I'm useless. Ryan Hadden of Hadden Hot Rod Shop is a car nut who digs drawing cars too. His own hot rod, a '54 "Plain Lorraine" F-100 pickup was featured in a blog where Andy Kawahara painted a "shop truck" door logo. If you missed that, check it out HERE. Ryan has helped friends visualize their hot rod projects by sketching their custom car and hot rod ideas. You may have seen his work in the Andy's US Forest Service Truck feature. Such a cool shop truck idea. Ryan captured it perfectly in his sketch above and Andy built it to spec. When choosing an artist to sketch your hot rod, there are many options. The two biggest differences I see is an artist who uses pencil/marker and paper and the artist who uses a computer. There are also differences in price. There's artists out there to fit anyone's budget. This is Andy Kawahara's other hot rod truck (I see a theme here), a 1961 Apache done up in a Mild Custom look. ...
Mellow Artist Paints Nostalgia and Speed
Car Art and Hot Rod Art Become Fine Art Have you ever met Tom Fritz? Chances are, you'd remember if you had. You probably noticed the dark display at one of your favorite car shows, then you were drawn in by the vivid paintings filling almost every bit of dark. I last ran into the flip-flop wearing, ultra soft-spoken Fritz at Barrett Jackson 2010. I don't know crap about art, especially fine art except for what I like, and I like what Tom's throwing down. Tom's art is all the more sweet when he takes the time to talk with you about each piece and fill you in on some of the catchy titles like: "Feeling the Belts", "Raising Merry Hell II", "Ancient Barbaric Amusements" and one of my favorites, "Quick Sombish". (link to Fritzart Gallery) Tom wrote about the making of "Quick Sombish" from the concept sketches to the in-process work and of course, the finished piece (shown here). To date, it's one of my favorite stories at and a recommended read for any artist. Read about this Wheels up front engine dragster by clicking here. To pass...
GNRS After Party: Pinups, Hot Rod Art and Music
My friend Mitzi, pinup and hot rod photographer extrordinaire from, has helped out by generously supplying some of the hottest pinup pics found in our pinup model gallery and now is throwing a party! Saturday night, 1/30/2010, after shooting pinup models wide-open at the Grand National Roadster Show, Mitzi will open her new studio to show her favorite pictures, hot rod art and a special burlesque show! Everyone's welcome, so we'll see you there! Some more details for you: Join us for an evening of Art, Music and Burlesque on Saturday January 30th as Mitzi & Co. along with Cherry Martini bring you Fueled The Art Show. An amazing collection of artwork will be on display and for sale from artists Keith Weesner, The Pizz, Max Grundy, George Barris, Mitzi Valenzuela, Dwayne Vance, Tiki Ray and more. The evening kicks off with live burlesque performances by Miss Rockwell DeVil, Violet Valentine and Betsey Bosen. Join us for the after party following Grand National Roadster Show on Saturday night. Only 10 minutes from the Pomona Fairplex at the Mitzi & Co. Photo Studio in San Dimas, CA. (address...
“Internet Barn Find #11”: Sandy’s Soda Can Hot Rod Masterpiece...
This is probably the coolest Barn Find to date. I'm not gonna talk much on this one, because it will take up too much space where pictures should be. Please check out this website. Looks like each car can be purchased for $2000. Heck, if you're crazy enough, you can purchase his drafting plans for $10/ea to build your own. Good luck though, because you're going to need serious craftsmanship to build it. Here's the website: Sandy's Can Cars You'll be blown away, I was!...
Cool Hot Rod Art from 2009
Following in the footsteps of my last post about Cool Pinstriping, a post about cool hot rod art, drawings and paintings is needed for sure. We've shown you some great art this year, here's just a sample. We're going to put together a "Hot Rod Art" picture gallery soon, so we'll let you know when that's up and running. For now, peep these for your viewing pleasure! Included are links to the stories these pieces of hot rod art came from in 2009. Don't forget to click the images for a Full Size view! First, some digital artistry from our man Brian Stupkski, of PCKStudio fame! Check out the informative story on "How to Pick a Hot Rod Designer" I personally have a print of this Ed "Big Daddy" Roth inspired Nissan Cube concept. Check the story out HERE! Next up, we have some hot rod sketched art by Alan Brightmore! These were a couple of my faves from 2009. There was a time when I serious considered having a 60's VW Bus custom as my family daily hauler. This is exactly how I'd want it to look! This Black Camaro...