Hot Rods & Race Car Photography from the Bonneville Salt Flats Don't know about other amateur photographers, but I've learned tons from studying other photographer's work. I learned from my friend Chuck Vranas' hot rod photography and shared some of his work from years of shooting for magazines like Street Rodder. He's also become a good friend. Ever heard of Peter Vincent? Vincent is also a well known automotive photographer, and we're in luck! He loves Bonneville Salt Flats, just like we do! I carefully sort through Vincent's work too... I don't want to copy what he does, but observe the style and composition of the photo. I politely ask myself... "What makes this guy famous!?" and know that it's something he's doing better than I am. It's great to be able to find some many pictures in one place to quickly learn from one of the best! To help announce his new book, I asked Peter Vincent for his thoughts about why he made this book. Here's what he had to say: "This book was important to me for so many reasons....
Chute-Poppin Photos from 2013 Bonneville Speed Week
Somebody get me a longer camera lens! I'm not a professional photographer.... I don't have a super long lens... like this guy: I could sit around and whine about what's fair, but instead, I decided to experiment!! I've been going to Bonneville since 2009, so I've seen alot of the great white expanse. I haven't, however, spent too much time near the end of the track. The Bonneville race cars speed by at 200 to sometimes 400 mph, so you don't have much chance for photos! I tried my Nikon 18-200 anyway and here's what happened... Chute pops! This #507 owned by Dan Aleshire running in the B/GR (roadster) class. We were standing near the 5 mile marker (as you can see in the photo below). The "long course" at Bonneville was 5 full miles of race track. You can set a record in any mile, or you can slow down and exit the track anywhere as well. Only cars running 175 mph or higher are allowed on the long course and the faster cars will use every bit of the 9 mile run-off to slow down....
Hot Rods & Customs at Night – 2013 GNRS Favorites
Hot Rods & Customs Long Exposure Photography It's never supposed to rain in Southern California! But it did and everyone attending the 2013 Grand National Roadster Show made the best of it. When the rain let up, I took full advantage shooting this vibrant 1950 GMC pickup owned by Eric Conner of El Cajon, CA. Ya dig? I couldn't stop at just one... but I noticed on nearly the last couple pictures I wanted to take that my lens had water drops all over it. Luckily for this pic, you can't really see it cause it's hiding in the grille. There looks to be a dent below the headlight, but that's not a dent, it's just a water drop! (click to see the water droplets!) I had so much fun with it, I decided to do a few more... (minus the rain this time) Paul Medina's 1947 Ford Business Coupe - Throttle Kings 1956 Ford Victoria (The blurs you see are people walking by. The shutter was open for 13 seconds) My Man Kopis' 1929 Ford Cabriolet Traditional Hot Rod - Throttle Kings 1955 Cadillac series 62 owned by Steve (last...
Steel Machines into Art – Holly Martin at Bonneville
Bonneville Racers and Hot Rods on the Salt Have I said it enough times that people found on the Bonneville salt are just cool? Each year I come away from Speed Week with a few more friends. That's sort of amazing since I run around like a wild man shooting pics and trying to get feature stories... but I try, every once and a while, to kick back, have a beer and try to enjoy it all. This year, I got to know Holly Martin, mostly through her photography. I like to study the angles, the light and the subjects of other photographers to learn from them and hopefully add something new to my own shots. I'm dig'n Holly's work! Click here for all of's Bonneville Salt Flat coverage. So I asked Holly to share some photos and she generously did. I then asked her to write about her Bonneville experience... She was shy about sharing it, but I think it came out more like poetry than a bio. Get to know Holly a little here: (and let her know what you think of her shots!) ...
Custom Paint Jobs – Metal Flake Roof Dazzling Photos
Custom Cars with Custom Paint - Favorite Flake Roof Photography (Click on any photo to see it full size) I've been meaning to write a post on custom paint and especially the amazing custom paint you'll find on lowriders and customs, especially in NorCal. With the great customs piling in at the NorCal Knockout, I finally got the shots I wanted. Lend a hand! If you know these cars, and more importantly, who the painter is... please leave a comment (you don't have to register or anything) and I'll add the info to this story. There's nothing I'd like to do more than give credit to these painters. Fantastic work! This is the roof of the 1959 Lincoln (pretty sure on the year) shown above. Rainbow flake with lace and darker flake fade. This car was a show stopper and won best of show. I know this was the roof of a 62 or so Ford Thunderbird. You've got it all here! Lace, multi colors of metal flake including rainbow flake and silver metal flake. There's even some flames... I'm running out of ways to say, Unbelievably cool. You'd...
McQueen Tire Shredding Celebration on June 2nd
Steve McQueen Charity Car Show As "Lt. Frank Bullitt" Steve McQueen shredded the streets of San Francisco with his 68' Mustang Fastback in THE best car chase scene ever filmed! In just over two weeks fans... Steve McQueen and the movie "Bullitt" will return to Chino Hills, CA for another go round of the "Friends of Steve McQueen" Charity Car Show benefiting the Boys Republic. This year's show spotlights "Bullitt" and will include special events based on the film. So if you're cruisin' the SoCal area on June 2nd, stop by and join 200+ hot rod Mustangs and cool custom cars from the International Mustang Bullitt Owner’s Club and the Porsche 356 Registry, as well as several cast members of the film and even the stunt drivers from the Fox show "Alcatraz". I will also be there with my Mustang, my camera and rockin my MyRideisMe t-shirt and I hope to see you there. - Ben...
Hot Rod Pickup at Night – Desktop Photo
Hot Rod & Custom Car Photography - 1936 Ford Pickup Download this hot rod pickup for your desktop. It's a big file, so give it some time... I get some cool shots sometimes too! I just posted the combo of Coby and Tim Sutton's beyond sick 1937 Lincoln Zephyr photo which is a shot, of a caliber (get it?) I aspire to create some day. Through some luck, good timing and maybe a developing eye for light, I got this shot of my friend Jim Ramirez's hot rod pickup. I knew this hot rod 1936 Ford pickup in suede blue paint with a really tough looking spade pinstriped on the door. That's going back to 2008, the first year I covered the LA Roadster Show. His pickup has changed! Last year, Jim parked in the suede palace, but this year, he's outside sip'n Tecate's with his car club pals the Throttle Kings. One thing you can count on with the Throttle Kings, their hot rods evolve... and they don't have air ride! From back in 2008 at the LA Roadster Show: Closer to present day... here's some other shots of Jim's...
Amazing Photo Rocks Hetfield’s Zephyr
James Hetfield's 1937 Lincoln Zephyr Speechless. Hetfield showed two amazing rides at the 2012 Grand National Roadster Show. This is one. Unlike the photos I usually take, when I review them, I'm not moved like I was seeing the car first hand. Not, NOT true with this piece from photographer Tim Sutton with finishing by Coby Gewertz (of Church fame). Even more amazing? They were giving these away! Did you get one? So I asked Coby about the poster and how it was made. (Alert! Learning opportunity here...) Here's what Coby told me... Transforming a Hot Rod Photo: Rick Dore called and said he needed someone to design a poster for James' Zephyr in a hurry. I agreed to do it after hours from my day job under the condition that he had decent photography. It needed to be done in 3 days so they would have time to get it printed in time for the GNRS. He sent me 3 pics Tim Sutton had taken for Rod and Custom and away I went. I retouched all the reflections out of the car, added a new one, changed the...
2012 Hot Rod Pin-up Calendar By Mitzi
Hot Rod Pin-up Calendar If you're a poker player, peaking at your cards and seeing pocket aces, or in five card draw holding a set on the deal, you're feeling like you can't lose... Same thing's true with pinup photographer Mitzi's 2012 Pinup calendar. Mitzi's a long time friend of shooting and sharing pinups and the best hot rods custom cars from SoCal and beyond. Now she's delivering 12 months of hot rod pinups for your viewing pleasure. I just called for service, beer's on the house... tilt one back and check out the winning hand below. On the cover shown above is the lovely Miss Doris Mayday. Also seen as Miss September, Doris is welcoming you to Vegas in front of the Wild Cad hailing from Australia. Featured in magazines and online everywhere, owner Mario Colalillo's 1959 Cadillac Coupe de Ville has every mod and custom trick available and thanks to legendary customizer and painter Gene Winfield, has an amazing purple fade paint job. When you see Doris dealt face up like this... raise. Next up is Miss April, simply known as Mosh. Look closely and there's...
Hot Rod Photos from Chuck Vranas – He’s Like That
Hot Rod & Custom Car Photography Jeff Norwell's perfect hot rod pickup at the Moody Mile in Syracuse Whether your building your first hot rod or a website about hot rods, it's best to have a little help. The most generous people you meet help when really, there's nothing in it for them. They're just, "Like that". That's the case for this featured photographer, Chuck Vranas. I met Chuck at the Grand National Roadster Show in Pomona, CA. He was floating around shooting here and there, but didn't look overly busy and rushed (like me), so I asked who he shoots for. At the time, he was shooting for Source Interlink powerhouse Street Rodder Magazine. Chuck shoots and writes feature car and tech stories for Street Rodder quite a bit, especially lately. Check out the newest issues and you'll see stories Chuck did. It's almost like seeing someone you know on TV! (but totally different) Chuck is the real deal when it comes to hot rods too. Doesn't it kinda show when a photographer really likes what he's shooting? Ansel Adams can shoot some landscapes like nobody's business, but...
51 Deluxe Cruisin for a Bruisin
Flat Black 51 Chevy Deluxe Cruiser Author and Photographer: Mike Harrington We have all heard the expression. “I'm going to beat you till your black and blue”. I don’t know about you, but anyone I’ve ever seen with a black eye or a serious bruise, the bruise looks more black and green. Kind of like this here ‘51 Deluxe custom owned by Dead Sleds member Crow and his wife Adrianna. Now before you splatter your drawers thinking “not another black primered car!” Throttle back for moment and take our word for it... This suede sleds body work is smoother than a velvet Elvis under a black light while puffing a cigarette packed with Mexican hay. Many times a black sled will be bathed in apocalyptic black to hide the flawed body work. However, during the construction process of Crows blacktop bruiser he and club member Cepe spent a year massaging the metal on the ’51 Chevy bringing her back to life. That massaging came in the form of shaving all the prickly protrusions from the body of the Chevy. Some prefer to call them emblems and door handles, we’ll...
60s Attitude 63 Ford Fairlane Custom
1963 Ford Fairlane 60s Custom Author and Photographer: Mike Harrington Less IS More We Americans seem to have this “bigger is better” mindset. After all if a little is good then a lot is better right? We can biggie size our French fries, biggie size our body parts with pecker pills or bags of silicone. Big, big and bigger! We are obsessed with size. Don’t take me wrong, if someone wanted to put a 572 cubic inch big block in my classic ride, I surely wouldn't object, but is bigger always better? I guess it all depends on your perspective. (Editor's note: Maybe less isn't more with the lovely Cherry Doll! She's smokin hot...) I once heard a saying that has seared its self into my memory. “Less…is more”. This saying holds true to music, design and even meal time. It also holds very true in the case of this ’63 ½ Ford Fairlane. With all the subtlety of a serpent, Ford introduced the 260 cubic inch lightweight Windsor featuring 164 horsepower, that was the "Challenger" versions of Ford's mighty small block. At 12 inches shorter than a Galaxy...