Havin' Fun in the Midwest Sun! If John Wells wrote up a recipe for the perfect hot rod event, it would look something like this: Take one large bowl of tradition Fill it with real hot rodders (no fillers, posers or fakes, please) Add in heaping helpings of patina, chrome and some shiny customs Pinches of flirty pinups, great vendors and some parts swapping welcome Surround the whole thing in excellent tunes and activities that can be enjoyed by the whole family and… We got us a hot rod festival! A little indoor action as well You have to wonder if John is just a little obsessed as the details for these shows is becoming legend. Worked heavily by volunteers (myself included!), the Vintage TorqueFest for 2014 in Dubuque, Iowa May 2-4, drew hundreds of vehicles and vintage bikes and thousands of spectators from 9 states, all carefully orchestrated so there was ample parking, great food available and a vibe that you just couldn’t help but enjoy. These old Lincolns are custom from the factory! The sun shown brightly Saturday when the bulk...
Retro Rewind 2014 – Hot Cars, Hot Music, Hot Times!
Hot Rods, Cold Weather... Now We're Talkin'! John Wells definitely lives a life of danger. Putting together a first-time indoor hot rod show in the midst of a Midwest winter is bordering on madness, but watching Wells work, you know there's just a bit of madness lurking in that fast moving director of organized mayhem. Retro Rewind 2014 is now in the history books, an event only Wells could conceive, plan and implement as a sibling event to his already successful TorqueFest and Iron Invasion gatherings. Retro Rewind brought together an amazing collection of traditional hot rods, custom cars, vintage bikes and go karts, classic guitars, pinstripers, pinups, hot rod films, high jammin' rock and roll, food, art... hey, you could even get yourself a super cool haircut by a real barber! Wells thought of everything and the packed event center in Dubuque, Iowa was diggin' it. Of course it was the cars that headlined the event and there was enough diversity that anyone with a pulse of any kind could appreciate the mix of good old school, flat out cool hot rods and custom...
Retro Rewind 2014–We Can’t Do This Without Pinups!
Traditional hot rods and customs just aren’t complete without traditional pinups accompanying them either on the street, at the track or at a great indoor show like Retro Rewind which is happening in Dubuque, Iowa January 11 and 12, 2014. Retro Rewind is another great show creation from the mind of John Wells who has found great success with his Midwest-bred Torquefest and Iron Invasion events. This first ever indoor event promises to not only bring out the best of traditional hot rod culture, but give both participants and spectators alike an incredible range of great entertainment. A pinup contest will highlight Saturday’s event schedule and quite a number of young ladies, sporting only the best traditional style, have already committed to be part of the festivities. But, you might ask, where did pinups come from? Who came up with this crazy idea of hot rod babes dressing up the iron and leather of the custom car, truck and vintage bike crowd? Need we explain? The term pinup girl was coined in the 1940s, but its beginnings were a whole lot earlier when female...
Home built 1930 Ford Sport Coupe Hot Rod
1930 Ford Hot Rod with Traditional Style (Click to see Trent's great pictures full size) Time – that one thing you can never truly get back and the one thing you can never seem to have enough of. There are those times though when a little patience, a bit of preparedness and a calculated bit of timing pay off dividends when a long awaited opportunity raises its head. For Kopis Georgalos, that time came at the 2008 LA Roadster show. Despite a good rep as a fabricator and custom builder, with a mild 1951 Pontiac custom to showcase his work, Kopis long had plans in the works for a project yet to occupy a space in his garage – a traditional rod. Notice I said his garage, not so and so’s customs or such and such’s garage. Nope – this build wasn't simply just for Kopis to have the traditional rod he had always wanted, but a chance to push himself, test his skills and learn some new tricks along the way. Kopis knew an open car, maybe a roadster would be right for him. Coupes...
9 Questions for Pinup Model Kelly Lindahl
Hot Rod Pinup Kelly Lindahl Continuing to get to know hot rod and pinup model photographer Trent Sherrill, let's get to know his girlfriend, pinup model, hair stylist and makeup artist out of New York: Kelly Lindahl. Describe the best date you ever had. My Best Date was when my boyfriend Trent, flew into NY then took me to Yankees Stadium, (which I've never been to a baseball game ever) but we got sushi. then we walked around NYC even though I live/work here it was nice to spend time with him and show him around a bit. How about the worst date? One time I was on a date and the guy I guess "googled" my parents name, I guess he got their names off my Facebook , he thought he found out what they did for a living, it was creepy, never saw him again. What's your favorite car ever and what's your favorite that you've actually owned? I like 1964 Impala's, really anything that’s a lowrider, or I really like low, big kustom cars. For my favorite car I’ve owned, it has to be my Jeep. It...
11 Questions for Pinup Model Jenna Sherrill
Hot Rod Pinup Jenna Sherrill When I first met Trent Sherrill by finding one of his "liked" hot rod or pinup photos on Facebook, I checked out his other pictures and found this one: After seeing the tag, I asked Trent, "Is that your sister?!" Turns out this lovely girl is, in fact, Trent's sister Jenna Sherrill. As much talent as Trent shows behind the camera, Jenna's making it easy on her bro by looking fabulous! We're getting to know Trent a little better by asking his sister and next, his girlfriend Kelly Lindahl (another rocking pinup) a few questions. Once you get to know the girls, I'm sure you'll love them like Trent does. Thanks guys! Describe the best date you ever had. The best date I ever had was when my fiance and I were first together. He drove me to Avila Beach in his 1957 Plymouth Savoy. We stopped in Pismo Beach to get some clam chowder from Splash Cafe and then headed to Avila. He bought me a wide brim sun hat and laid out a Mexican blanket on the beach. We ate our chowder...
21 Posing Tips for Aspring Pinup Models and Photographers
Better Pinup Poses for Great Pictures Photo courtesy of Digital-Photography-School.com I'm always trying to take better pictures. Whether it's custom car or family portraits or a beautiful pinup model, we're all trying to do our best work. To keep learning, I receive newsletters from a few great websites. One of them is Digital Photography School. I found this post called: Posing Guide: 21 Sample Poses to Get You Started with Photographing Female Subjects I figured this would help out models and photographers alike, even though it's not focused on pinup photography. Take a look and see what you think: Read more: http://digital-photography-school.com/21-sample-poses-photographing-female-models#ixzz23gQS36df Sign up for their newsletter and learn a little every...
2nd Round – More Pictures from Viva 15 Car Show
Return to Viva - 2012 Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Car Show Editor's note: Mark's been very kind to show his behind the lens work in this story and the last story about the great Rockabilly Weekender in Las Vegas. This time, take a listen as he give his impressions of the rides, the show and most importantly, the people that make the show great. Please make him feel welcome! Going back to Viva Las Vegas again this year, can't wait to see the Grease Pit Car Club from last year. A great group of guys and gals from LA, CA that have let my wife and I hang out with them every year. As a bonus this year, sounds like we have more members from San Diego, CA that are going to join us. Thursday afternoon I arrived and couldn't wait to get to the car area. The Valet parking lot all ready has cars lined up waiting to get in. Not a lot of cars in the car show area yet but that makes for better pictures. I like the contrast red and silver (on bad ass!) Grease...
First Look and Still Rock’n – Viva 15
2012 Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Car Show Before you even enter the show, customs like this greet you. Grab a beer and enjoy the first photos from the 2012 Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekender. Found out this is Ashley Alyson Bryce aka Miss Leggy May... Find her on FB here. If you've never been to the show. Stop now and catch up some with MyRideisMe.com stories and photos of Viva starting back in 2009. It's been a fantastic run of hot rods, all kinds of custom cars and of course what most would call rat rods. But Viva's about the people and the music as much as anything else. For example, check out the lovely lady above! Pinup? 70s go-go dancer? Why categorize? Let's just thank my man Mark Jacobs for the cool shots! You'll see the personality of the show come through in the photos, of course, but you'll also see the photographer too. I asked Mark for some of his favorites and he couldn't stop talking about this 1957 Chevy custom. He told me... " The headlights are stacked and the grille... and the, and the.." As the saying doesn't...
2012 Hot Rod Pin-up Calendar By Mitzi
Hot Rod Pin-up Calendar If you're a poker player, peaking at your cards and seeing pocket aces, or in five card draw holding a set on the deal, you're feeling like you can't lose... Same thing's true with pinup photographer Mitzi's 2012 Pinup calendar. Mitzi's a long time friend of MyRideisMe.com shooting and sharing pinups and the best hot rods custom cars from SoCal and beyond. Now she's delivering 12 months of hot rod pinups for your viewing pleasure. I just called for service, beer's on the house... tilt one back and check out the winning hand below. On the cover shown above is the lovely Miss Doris Mayday. Also seen as Miss September, Doris is welcoming you to Vegas in front of the Wild Cad hailing from Australia. Featured in magazines and online everywhere, owner Mario Colalillo's 1959 Cadillac Coupe de Ville has every mod and custom trick available and thanks to legendary customizer and painter Gene Winfield, has an amazing purple fade paint job. When you see Doris dealt face up like this... raise. Next up is Miss April, simply known as Mosh. Look closely and there's...
January Pin Up of the Month – Crissy Henderson
Hot Rod Pinup Crissy Henderson After a short break, Pinup of the Month is back and hot as ever with the sizzling Crissy Henderson. With pinup photography by Trent Sherrill, we can't miss here. Being so close to Christmas, I had to ask... What's your favorite Christmas you can remember? Everyone road tripping to my grandparents in Kansas for a few days until Christmas. The whole family would help my grandpa with morning farm chores and then we'd eat breakfast together then open gifts! I miss those days where the whole family got together and had a meal! White Christmas or sunny Christmas? Has to be a white one! Snow is fun! Trent's photos seem to bring out the best in women, what makes a hot, vintage styled photo for you? Ive only ever shot pinup pics with Trent. He's amazing at what he does! I love the old school looks! They're all hot! We gotta ask, are you a car girl or do you just see the hot rods as just another prop? I love the way a car looks and sounds - other than that I'm pretty...
July Pinup of the Month- Ashley Croft
Hot Rod Pinup Ashley Croft I never thought that the jaw harp and watermelons would come up in one of my Pinup of the Month interviews, but alas, I haven't interviewed Ashley Croft before. With her timeless beauty and fun personality, Ashley is able to create some stunning pin up imagery. If you didn't know any better you would think she stepped right outta the good ol' days. Don't get confused by that, because Ashley has a few ideas in her head about a pretty wild sounding, alternative style photo shoot... it involves an alcoholic drink of a certain color and a bouncy horse... I guess we will have to keep our fingers crossed with that one and hope it comes to life one day. For now, you can check out these photos she has shared with us which were taken by Pin Up photographer Robin Cook. Pin Up modeling has often crossed paths with alternative style of modeling. What would your most crazy, off the wall photo shoot consist of if you had the chance? I do tend to lean more toward traditional pin up themes in my shoots. I love the timelessness,...