I've found a book I've got to tell you about. It's called Speed Kings by the German Hot Rod & Pin-Up Photographer Dirk Behlau. Dirk was kind enough to let MyRideisMe.com use a photo he took, including Switzerland's premier pinup model Zoe Scarlett, for a promotional flier at Billetproof. While I rush to get this photo printed, I'll let Dirk describe the book in his own words: It's a Satanic drag thing you wouldn't understand! It's not what you think it is. It's pure power, adrenaline, danger, suspense, Pin-Ups, passion and soul. Call it Rock 'n' Roll! Die Gestalten proudly present "Speed Kings", the hottest publication this summer's likely to see. "Speed Kings" presents photographs by Dirk Behlau that show the wonderful world of Drag racing. My photographs skillfully capture the primordial displays of power and high-tech, the eroticism of machines and the open flirtation with death and destruction. It was certainly not Jesus who built these Hot rods but dedicated people who create, drive and admire their time bombs like no-one else. Drag racing's individual brand of aesthetics fascinates an ever-growing community of fans all around the world....
60’s Drag Car Found…
Vintage Drag Racing Back before I was born, my pops raced this car in northern California, especially Fremont Baylands Raceway and Vaca Valley. It was called, "The Happy Home Wrecker" (my parents are divorced): I have some great memories of this car because after my dad raced it, he sold it to his friend and racing partner Brad Bradly. I used to see it at Brad's shop, Bradly's Automotive in Pt. Richmond, CA. Any time he was going to move that car, we wanted to see it cause it was the loudest car we'd ever heard. Many years later, after the car had changed hands a few times, the new owner, Don Boucher, tracked down Brad in Nevada. Now that I knew who had this old friend, I contacted Don and told him who I was. Don plans to return this car to it's former drag racing glory. I will be updating this blog based on the progress Don makes. I hope to see this car running again. Don, keep us posted! To see more picture of, "The Wrecker" go to Don's Garage at MyRideisMe.com The next story isn't...
Father and Son Hot Rod Team
Ray and Rory Forbes, this father and son team, came all the way from Reno, Nevada to enjoy the 2007 LA Roadster show. Believe it or not, these guys didn’t get to join the official show because they don’t have shinny paint. I wouldn’t have it any other way! Check out this awesome pair of traditional rods! Dad's got style! This is Ray's 1934 Ford. Construction began in the 40's with a top chop suitable for Bonneville, but the project stalled when the men building the car were drafted. After that, the car got passed around until 2 years ago when Ray bought it from a guy who had stored the car for 30+ years, untouched due to health reasons. It was a full build done entirely in the Forbes' garage on weekends by Father and son. The 34 has an early 60's 401 Buick Nailhead donated by a friend who was an early 50's Bonneville racer that ran a 34 Coupe way back when (hence his # on the door, plus the original timing tag!) Inside, it has super rare P-51 stainless seats, custom pedals, an engine turned...
One Night with a Real Doll
Dig these custom shift knobs a buddy's making. Using bronze casting skills on aluminum items for his interior shop helped build his sculpting skills until it was obviously time to make a custom cast shifter knob for his car. Over a dozen original design skull shifter knobs later, his car never got one! Since becoming a professional caster my buddy has earned praise from several hot rodders he respects and is proud to say that the artwork can be found in 31 states and 6 foreign countries. The skulls have a certain level of artistic quality to them. Aside from their historical accuracy, they are set apart from some of the "cartoony" skulls out there, by avoiding excessive exaggeration and including some subtle emotion or energy into each one. However, wanting to grow as an artist, an idea from an early brainstorming session came to life... a pinup girl knob! The goal: Make a piece that not only would look attractive in a car, but would also stand on its own above the “lo-brow” genre as a piece of art. Here it is: They say a gentleman never tells,...