Choosing "America's Most Beautiful Roadster" for 2014 Another year at the "Grand-daddy of all hot rod shows, the Grand National Roadster Show. is proud to be here for our seventh year of coverage online. In case you've been sleeping these last 7 years, Grand National Roadster Show, sometimes referred to GNRS, is the best of the west, maybe in the USA (you can decide here) hot rod and custom car show. Every year, the "America's Most Beautiful Roadster" contenders assemble for 1000's of Southern California hot rod enthusiasts to enjoy, bench race and judge. Before most people make it to the show, MyRideisMe likes to give a little preview of who might win the "AMBR" (pronounced "amber") Award and show a few pictures so you can decide. There are a total of 11 roadsters contending. There were 12, but a very unfortunate accident happened during setup and one car was lost. We were shocked to hear AMBR judge and all around nice guy Vic Cunnyngham was injured as well. BUT! Vic's on the mend already and show promoter John Buck announced he'll be back at the show on...
2014 Grand National Roadster Show – First Favorites
Hot Rods, Custom Cars, Land Speed Racers and Classics 2014 GNRS in Pomona, CA If you're looking for the "2014 America's Most Beautiful Roadster" contender pictures, click here For more Hot Rod and Custom Car Pictures from GNRS, click here Welcome to 2014! The 2014 Grand National Roadster Show should be designated the 8th wonder of the world or at least placed up there well in line with the Super Bowl or what's it called? Oh yeah, the World Series! For addicted car people, this grand daddy of car shows puts virtually every kind of vehicle right in front of you...most within touching distance AND you get to see the contenders for the prestigious "American's Most Beautiful Roadster"! Really now...can anything be better? There's still time to enjoy the festivities as the show runs through Saturday and Sunday, January 26 and 27. It's tough to roll out favorites because there's just so much to choose from but here's just a few from the hundreds that are awaiting the crowds expected to finish out this wild car weekend in the Pomona Fairplex. We've spent one very...
Winner: 2013 America’s Most Beautiful Roadster
Grand National Roadster Show - 2013 AMBR Winner Results are in! More info to follow as I track down owner John Mumford and the team of builders at Roy Brizio Street Rods. For now, please enjoy these pictures! As always, for any picture, click to see the full-size image. 2013 America's Most Beautiful Roadster The Kelly Brown Track 'T' 1927 Ford Roadster According to the show card: Kelly Brown "1978 NHRA Top Fuel World Champion" - For his determination and vision. Special Thanks to: Steve Davis Team Brizio Pete Chapouris Pete Eastwood Kent Fuller Also from the show card: Special Features: V8-60 Ardun Heads Halibrand Culver City Quickchange rearend 4 wheel kinmont disc brakes 1937 Ford tube axle Schroeder Steering I showed you the story: 7 of the best Roadsters contending for 2013 AMBR Award then, here's the rest of the contenders: 5 other roadster trying to win Did the judges pick the right one? Your comments are welcome. Download a long group of photos of this...
2013 Grand National Roadster Show – First Favorites
Hot Rods and Custom Cars at 2013 GNRS in Pomona, CA If you're looking for the "America's Most Beautiful Roadster" Pictures Click here. Welcome to 2013! If you're reading this before January 28th, 2013, you still have time to make the show! The Grand National Roadster show is worth seeing every year, but certainly at least once!! Just in case, has you covered with pictures of every great car. (Almost... ok, not even close, but we try) With the Pomona Fairplex convention halls packed with hot rods, custom cars, lowriders, muscle cars, and look below... lots of surprises... it's no wonder we don't shoot everything. Leave us a comment for what you like so we'll know what to shoot more of next time. And don't forget to click any picture to see it full size on your screen. D'Agostino's "Sophie 1940 Cadillac Custom It's so good you need another look! George Poteet's Rad Rides Built Talladega Chyrsler 300 Custom Rock and Roll Hot Rod 1932 Hot Rod 3 Window Coupe 2.3L Pinto Powered 1929 Ford Roadster Pickup Just NASTY Blown 1933 Ford Coupe The Throttle Kings Representing in...
Bird’s Eye View of the 2013 AMBR Contending Hot Rods
The Air up there: 2013 America's Most Beautiful Roadsters Vote for your favorite below by leaving a comment... There are a few advantages to being tall. If you can put up with bumping your head hard enough to see stars once in a while, you get shots like these without carrying a step ladder. So... even though I shared the Best 7 AMBR Contenders already, here's another look from up high. For all pictures, click to see the full-size image. Can't wait? Click here to see pictures of 2013 AMBR winning roadster America's Most Beautiful Roadster Contender - Bad in Black 1932 Hot Rod! America's Most Beautiful Roadster Contender - 200+ MPH Bad & Beautiful America's Most Beautiful Roadster Contender - Australian Hot Rod America's Most Beautiful Roadster Contender - The Kid's Cruiser America's Most Beautiful Roadster Contender - Indy Racer's Dream 1932 Hot Rod America's Most Beautiful Roadster Contender - Cooper Elegance America's Most Beautiful Roadster Contender - Track Nose Champion America's Most Beautiful Roadster Contender - Possessed Pickup Which one's most beautiful and which is your favorite? Are you answers different? Feel free to vote for...
2013 AMBR Contenders – 5 More Stunning Roadsters
America's Most Beautiful Roadster Contenders for 2013 Vote for your favorite below... The Grand National Roadster Show is the best west coast hot rod and custom car show. Anyone want to argue that? I showed you the 7 Roadsters that could win the 2013 AMBR Award but there are 5 other roadster in the show... they're all shown here. I'm not saying these hot rod roadsters aren't all amazing, I'm only saying, they're not likely to win based on my experience and the way I understand the rules. (I don't think the owners would argue... Am I wrong?) Enjoy the pictures and for any picture, click on it to see the full-size image. America's Most Beautiful Roadster Contender #8 This is a RACE CAR! The Bonneville Salt Flats have never looked so good than when this 200+ mph beauty rockets down the road! Make no mistake, this roadster is beautiful! Built by the true craftsmen at Rad Rides by Troy, you won't find a nicer race car anywhere (OK, except maybe for Blowfish) but still, this isn't enough to win the AMBR Award. Owned by Mark and Dennis Mariani...
2013 AMBR Contenders – 7 Roadsters with a Chance
Winning "America's Most Beautiful Roadster" for 2013 Vote for your favorite below... So much has been said here at about the Grand National Roadster Show. In the fewest words, it's the best of the west kicking off 2013. As we've said before... (and I haven't heard any arguments.) This year's America's Most Beautiful Roadster contenders, "AMBR Cars" (pronounced like "amber") total 12 in all. I've got shots of all 12, but without throwing stones and certainly without criticizing, let's be honest: Five of the contenders can't win. If you've been to GNRS before and seen what wins... you can narrow it to 7 and really, I think there's only 4. (We couldn't be happier they changed the AMBR judging rules 2 years ago) So let's get started! Here's the four-with-a-chance plus the three long shots for America's Most Beautiful Roadster: For all pictures, click to see the full-size image. America's Most Beautiful Roadster Contender #1 This was the winner! Click here to open additional pictures. Out of the shoot, here's the 1927 Ford Roadster owned by John Mumford of Woodside, CA. Roy Brizio Street Rods is listed as putting...
2012 America’s Most Beautiful Roadster Winner
2012 AMBR Winner - The Indy Speedster Enjoy the pictures and for any picture, click on it to see the full-size image. America's Most Beautiful Roadster: Bill Lindig's Indy Speedster I got lucky, or was I good? I managed to find Houston's Bill Lindig while the crowds started pouring into the Fairplex on Friday of the 2012 Grand National Roadster Show. I asked for an interview and the gracious Bill did NOT say, "I'm waiting for Rodder's Journal". I started the interview by saying I think the "Indy Speedster" is this year's AMBR winner. Bill humbly replied, "If the other nine cars don't win, we will." Guess what Bill, you did it! The story of the Indy Speedster goes back 16 years. Bill's friend, Jack Howerton, is an Indy Car and sprint car driver - and builder as you can see - that wanted a race car inspired hot rod like the old sprint cars he used to drive. About 12 years ago, Jack had started the chassis, then the build kinda stalled a little, then Steve Moal from Moal Coachbuilders helped the project along, but when Bill saw it...
10 Roadsters, 40 Photos of 2012 AMBR Contenders
Ten Hot Rod Roadsters at Grand National Roadster Show 2012 It's time for you to decide... Vote for your favorite below. The Grand National Roadster Show is the best west coast hot rod and custom car show. Anyone want to argue that? Did you come here looking for the winning roadster? Winner! 2012 America's Most Beautiful Roadster - click here Start with 10 of the finest roadsters competing for the America's Most Beautiful Roadster award, then get surrounded by every other kind of hot rod, street rod and custom... But there's more! Lowriders, some sports cars and motorcycles join the show, too. With two cars competing for this year's AMBR from Texas and one down from Idaho and another from Oklahoma, it's safe to say the SoCal and western build crews are bringin out the big guns for a shot at hot rod's biggest trophy. It's gonna be a tough call on which roadster wins... what do you think? Cast your vote, but don't worry, there's never any politics with this award... Enjoy the pictures and for any picture, click on it to see the full-size image. America's Most...
2012 Grand National Roadster Show – First Favorites
Hot Rods and Custom Cars at 2012 GNRS in Pomona, CA If you're looking for the "America's Most Beautiful Roadster" Pictures Click here. Just in case you can't make it to the Grand National Roadster Show this weekend, is bringing the show to you! Of course, if you're anywhere near Pomona, California we'd suggest you make it out in person. GNRS is running from January 27th-29th at the Pomona Fairplex. Besides showcasing a dozen of the highest-quality show roadsters you've ever seen, competing for the AMBR Award, Grand National's also has many other exhibit halls with some of the best looking customs, classics, lowriders, and more! To start things off, is James Hetfield's 1937 Lincoln Zephyr. If this auburn beauty looks familiar, its because it's the cover feature of the fresh-off-the-press Rod & Custom. With more custom features than we can name, it's conception was at the Grand National Roadster Show - so it's only fitting that it be on display here for you to drool all over. It didn't take us long to get to one of our favorite halls, the Suede Palace where this golden El...
Top 5 Must-Do’s for 2012 Grand National Roadster Show
2012 Grand National Roadster Show in Pomona, CA Here's a short, top five must-do checklist of things to do when you're at the show: 1) Find it! And know your way around. Access to Gate 9 Parking from I10 traveling West and from I10 traveling East Then, a map of the Pomona Fairplex where the show is: The layout of the show changes every year, somewhat, except for the America's Most Beautiful Roadster contending cars are always in building 4 and the Suede Palace (which is building 10) a good place to stop as you enter the show. For cost info, show hours and the other boring details, go to info page. 2) See the 12 Contenders for America's Most Beautiful Roadster 2011 America's Most Beautiful Roadster This is the 2011 winning 1934 Roadster owned by Daryl Wolfswinkel and built by Squeeg's Kustoms in Chandler, AZ. Here's the 2008 to 2011 AMBR winners. Can't wait? Here's the 2012 AMBR Winner! The 12 AMBR Contenders are some of the best hot rods you'll ever see... all with no roll-up windows as a true roadster must be. Need to know more...
The Rules have Changed: 2011 AMBR Award Judging Explained
How to Win the America's Most Beautiful Roadster Award In case you haven't already heard, the 1934 Ford Roadster owned by Daryl Wolfswinkel's and built by Doug Jerger and crew at Squeeg's Kustoms in Chandler, AZ won the highly coveted "AMBR Award" or America's Most Beautiful Roadster Award. Those of you who've seen the story posted here at about the 2008-2010 AMBR winners are SHOCKED! (but maybe tickled too!!) Disagree? Here' your chance to Vote on the AMBR winner yourself! At the Grand National Roadster Show on Saturday morning, I learned the judging criteria for the AMBR award changed. Guess who told me? Ironically, it was my buddy Doug Jerger! (I'm in Chandler too) Sniffing a great story, I asked around and found Vic Cunnyngham, the judges coordinator for the 2011 America's Most Beautiful Roadster. (Yes, that's the correct spelling of his name...) Vic, a long time hot rodder and hot rod builder set me straight on selecting the 2011 AMBR award winner. To sum it up in one, simple sentences, I'd say: It'll be the most beautiful roadster at the show. A quick clarification:...