Vote For Hechtspeed’s Best Picture of 2009

These pictures are a look back at my first year of blogging at I’ve met some cool people and made memories that mean a lot to me personally. This poll is a cool way to remember my favorites from the year. Take a look at the pictures below and vote for your favorite. Don’t forget to click on the images to see them Full Size! Check the links for the full stories as well.
Bonnie’s Bonneville Homecoming at Speedweek 2009. The first roadster I’ve ever ridden in. What a blast! This beauty shot on virgin salt will stick in my brain for years.
Hilborn Injectors from Larry Volk’s ’29 roadster project. This Hemi powered Model A will be an epic project that I plan on writing more about in the future as Larry builds his dream ride.
The Hot Rods by Dean ’55 Chevy at World Finals blew me away when I saw it waiting in line. One of my favorite cars I shot all year. Nothing like a stock bodied car with great stance!
Nick Hoesing’s ex-Galaxie Custom and his buddy’s 5 Window Coupe from Nebraska. Cruising the Long Course at Bonneville while riding shotgun with Pikesan is one of my favorite moments of 2009.
Larry Monreal’s turbo VW just after sunset during World Finals 2009. The bright yellow paint, low light from the sunrise and a top notch driver and “5th son” Jim Bradshaw.
This is definitely one of my favorite shots from this year. Man and Machine. I really gained an appreciation for the roadster as the ultimate driving experience. Pikesan’s first trip to the Salt Flats will NOT be his last, that’s for sure!
Just realized this turned into a “Favorite Salt Flats Picture Poll”. That tells you how EPIC Bonneville is! See you on the Salt!
this is a tuff one…there all great
These are all crazy kool pictures buddy! I like the Galaxie the best!!! I gotta get you to photograph some of my striping one of these days!
Hey, glad you like! Pikesan will tell you, its all in the fancy digital camera…and he’s right. ah ha Yes, I want to shoot some of your striping! We need to hook up and do that!