Location: Tolar, TX, USA
Joined: 06/19/2013
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My Crew 1
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Restored 1934 Ford Tudor purchased body and frame in July 2012. Car had been rolled and was sitting out inthe woods for approx 50 yrs when I purchased it     

June 19, 2013
Ride Specs & Info


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June 24, 2013 19:37
I have done all of the body work on the car. Dents came out pretty easy. Made a hammer from a welding gas cylinder cap. I did the 4 " chop and replaced patch panels. I will load some more pics of the chop and body work.
June 24, 2013 14:35
Novice? And you got those big dents out of the back? Was it already chopped? If you don't mind writing a little more about what you've done, maybe as a blog or in the description for this gallery, I'll publish it to the home page. Thanks!
June 24, 2013 11:22
Thanks.... I am a novice and this is a first build for me. Lots of learning from websites,etc.
June 24, 2013 03:32
Looks like you brought this back from the dead. You're a metal man? Nice work and welcome to!