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insert for roof section [June 26, 2013] views: 1341
Today I made an insert for the roof section. I used a roof panel that i cut off of a 1959 Chevy Belair. I made a hammer form from a sheet of 5/8" MDF board. I cut the board to shape and ...
Chassis [June 24, 2013] views: 1407
Here is a pic of the frame when I first mocked it up. I used the original chassis. I purchased an original front axle,spring, and wishbone. I had teh axle dropped 4 inches. I reversed the ...
some body work pics [June 24, 2013] views: 1337
Here are some pics from the project. I started by roughing out the big dents . I made a body hammer from a cap off of a welding gas cylinder. I used this to push out the big ...